the grey silence gives up its secrets.

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By way of introduction

Writing can be a difficult process. The words that are here in the mind of the writer need to be there on the paper, yet making that transition successfully is fraught with difficulties.

For words to get from the poetic mind to the hand that writes the fable, they have first to pass through the grey silence, the space that exists between the intention and the execution.

The art of writing is to make the transition as painless as possible.

The following pieces have all made the journey from intent to completion via the alien skies of the grey silence.

Poetry is the language we use to describe an alien landscape and therefore all of the following pieces can be seen as poetry  in some form or other.

There is an aspect of personal meaning in each of the pieces, but I hope that they also hold a modicum of universal resonance with which the reader can identify.

On with the motley.......

In this, the grey silence.Where stories live. Discover now