Sly could recognize Angel, he really loved her voice and her long beautiful hair.
Sly remember kissing her every morning before they both go out to save the day.
Sly always loved to defend the weak and to save lives, angel loved him for this. Sly always believed that this supernatural powers that his gifted with his gonna use it to defend the innocent and the weak.Sly could also remember the very day he and angel where granted the access and the right to establish the HSS by the government at that time, president stones was in power at that time.
The HSS comprises of ten lead members and some other individuals who who help in solving problems and fighting crime, the agency sole objective is to control the misuse of supernatural powers for criminal activities and also to defend the country and the world from alien threat and they are the only one capable of doing that.
They where so powerful they defended the earth from alien threat such as the gorgs, they were one of the toughest enemies the HSS has ever faces at that time, they also defended the world from villains and terrorist like Pablo Neruda, the monster maker and also the red hood. They were the Hero's of the world.He opened his eyes.... Breathing hard....
"am I dead" he asked
"am I dead" he said touching his body but he still feels the pain.
He found himself in a destroyed house but he was laying on the bed he was still dressed In is battle suit, he was in a room and he noticed that he wasn't dead.
He noticed his wounds have treated by a really professional.
He also noticed some noises downstairs, when he checked his wrist he watch wasn't there and also his weapons where no longer with him. He became suspicious and tried to get up, before he stood up someone already opened the door to enter the room,,
Without hesitation he quickly molded a fire ball and threw it at the door, the door exploded and threw the person back, he quickly ran towards the window planning to jump to the next building when he heard his name"Sly!!!!!! "
It's Angels voice, he recognizedHe paused........................ As he turned back slowly .
"Angel" he says surprised
"you are alive, I thought you'd be dead" he runs to hug her as they are both put to tears.
" I thought you were dead" she says as she hold his face
" no babe, I'm okay, hope are not hurt" he says as he noticed she's been stabbed and was bleeding
"angel you are bleeding" he quickly takes off his battle suit takes off his T-shirt and closes it to stop the bleeding.
" babe I'm OK, I'm OK ,...
..... Everyone wants to see you" she said as she walks over to the cupboard pulls out a shirt and throws it at him.She brought him down stairs to see people, regular civilians they where about 50 in the hall way some where badly injured as some mutants that had the ability to heal helped to heal them. He was so shocked
"who are all these people "he asked
"they are the people Ive saved today" angel said
"Is anyone from the team still alive "he asked
"No" angel said as she bowed her head
"They are all dead, I actually watched Sammy die in my arms " she began to cry as she rest her head on slys chest.
Sly was so sad to hear that terrible news and was so angry, it was so sad to hear that all his friends and team mates are dead.
Sly was eventually notices by the crowd and they look so happy to see him, it was so motivating to see this people still happy to see him after all they have lost, it showed that they believed In him in his power.
Then he climbed a box and said
" I apologize for all the losses that these enemies has caused, I apologize for how hard it is for the HSS to deal with the matter, I can't guarantee you that I will remain alive after defeating those robots but one thing I will guarantee you is that I would never allow them come close to you, I love you all and I thank you for all the support you've been giving the HSS, no matter what we are one" he made this speech as the crowd cheers for him and keep smiles on the faces..............................................
Later that evening sly, angel and 5 other people say round a table to discuss the a way to defeat theses robots one of then on that table named Zola explained that these robots or prototypes are built from the gens of mutants and built to be stronger than mutants time 100. They are built to be perfect, not to make mistakes and so there main target is the HSS.
Another person on that table named finiola also explained that she has Intel that government is behind the invention of these prototypes in away they wanna get rid of the HSS and also some time along the line get rid of mutants, she also proved this with some pictures.
Sly them understood the plan of the government the government want to get rid of mutants but first they wanna get rid of the HSS first."we need to think of a plan "
Sly said as he opens up a map on the table....***/////**************///******************//////*****

Extinction (The death of Our Hero's)
Aventurait's been four months since the HSS was confirmed dead and so the mutants found themselves in a world were they are all wanted dead their Hero's have been confirmed dead and the Government wants each and everyone of the mutants killed and so created...