(Remaking of an old story of mine, but now it's better)
Love story, obviously lol
A 18 girl, named Mariana just moved to LA to start her career as a singer. She's going to move to a condominium in the center of La and on her first day in the city sh...
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@WhoisMariana "Coffee because it's too early for wine" 🍷😋// 137 Likes | 5 Comments
ImSpencer Omg! Girl, I miss you so much come back!! Are you by yourself? *reply* WhoisMariana Of course not! I already made a friend, but I'll call you later giving you all the details!!
_Amberwolf_ I'm in LA too!! Let's meet up sometime!! *WhoisMariana liked your comment*
LoganPaul Oh that's my coffee! You didn't want one!! *reply* WhoisMariana oh shut up and come here. You have been in the bathroom for too long! *LoganPaul liked your comment*
I smiled at Logan's comment and put my phone down. I look at the bathroom as he get off of it and comes sit with me
"So.. Can I have my coffee back?" He says slowly pushing the coffee to him and taking a sip " Actually I was thinking if you would like to play 10 questions with me"
"Sure! You start?" I say and taking a sip of my glass of water
"Which is worse, failing or never trying?" He said with a little smirk
"Never trying, that one was easy. My turn, In 5 years from now, will you remember what you are doing today?" he smiled
"I think I will" I blushed
" Why tho?" I said super curious
"Because I met Bucky the cutest dog alive after Kong my dog!" We both giggled a little "Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?" I started laughing
"Yo, I actually do!!" my answer made him laugh a little "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?"
"That's easy, by my looks 22 which is my real age and my mental age is and would be 5 " he said and took another sip of coffee "Would you break the law to save a loved one?"
"Of course, without hesitation! " I look at him and he is with a very surprising expression "What's something you know you do differently than most people?" I said with a little smirk
"It's simple, my way of living, be a maverick!!" he said making a symbol with his hand
"Wow, be a maverick, that's catchy" He just smiled and I blushed a little his smile is so cute" But go one, you only have 2 left"
"Actually ask you first" he said and I made a *wasn't expecting that* face
"umm... sure. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?" I say and he tries to speak at first but hesitates
"No, actually My job is kinda strange, I'm kinda famous. I didn't know how to tell you or If I even should tell you because I didn't want you to be my friend or hangout with me for my money and stuff like that" He says brushing the back of his neck, it's a sign that he's feeling awkward "I'm.. I'm a vlogger, you know what that is? a You-" I cut him off
"Of course I do !I actually try to be a youtuber years ago" I say laughing " but don't be so... so awkward, don't worry I only hangout with people that are cool or have a good heart" I say pointing to his heart and he grabs my hand looking at his coffee without saying nothing "hey... buddy? you don't have to act like your golden fish just died. Being a youtuber it's one of the dopiest jobs ever!!" He let goes my hand and looks at me with a little smile
"I'm sorry, my mind went somewhere else. But I'm happy you didn't had a bad reaction, I have...I actually have someone in my life who is a little rude with me when I talk about my job and that makes me a little insecure" he says and we make eye contact
"How can a big guy like you feel insecure? Man , you should just get that someone out of your life. I have known you for 1 hour or less and I can sincerely tell that you make my day 100% better!!" he genuinely smiles and I feel butterflies " but lets just end the game! I want to see the hollywood sign"
"Okay so...Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?" He say standing up to pay the coffee making me a sign to follow him
"Actually I'd love to do the option 2, because I'm kinda a singer and I really like to write songs, talk about my feelings and stuff like that u know?" I say pretending I'm high or I'm Jamaican between those 2 and he giggled
"For real? I had just dropped a diss track on my brother yesterday, it's fire!! " We both laugh "If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?" he say and we leave the coffee shop making our way to the hollywood sign
"Be a Maverick" He laugh " Just kidding I'd say... don't let others make you feel down! live everyday like it's your last one, oh and here's 5 dollars so you can go buy some flowers to your mother she deserves it" I say and he's starts clapping
"Wow, I'm surprised." I blushed a little
" Oh.. It's my last question" I say making a sad face " Let me think...What would you do if you knew that wouldn't be consequences?" He stops and looks at me, he looks deeply in my eyes
"This.." He whispers and immediately kisses me pushing me to the wall, I kiss back because I want to kiss him since I saw him. The kiss and every second of it felt like heaven, pure magic, it was starting to get intense so I decided to stop
"Whoa that escalated quickly..." I say, my face is so red right now I must be looking like a authentic tomato "Why did you do that?"
"You asked? I'm so sorry... I really shouldn't have done such thing. It's just I wanted to kiss you since you bump into me" I felt butterflies "I know we are kinda strangers, but I kinda feel this weird attraction to you, my body is craving you since I saw you" he whispers with a little bit of embarrassment. OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING "Maybe we should just end our trip here I think I went to far!" he says and turns around to leave
"Wait! Don't go, I think it was just to soon. We just met, you know what I mean?" I say looking at the floor
"Yes! I'm so sorry!!F*ck I'm really sorry" He says looking at me " About that last question I have to ask is if you would be mad if I tell you that someone I talked about earlier who is kinda rude to me about my job is kinda my girlfriend?" I genuinely felt like someone punch me in the stomach
"WHAT?" I scream/whisper not wanting to get the attention of the people passing by us, after that I only remember Logan grabbing me because I think I passed out from the shook. Why would he kiss me if he has a girlfriend?
Hope you are liking it!! If this part was kinda boring Im so sorry and please tell me. so I can Improve lol
stay weird and see you soon maybe I'll update tomorrow