Min Yoongi (Part 1/2)

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You drank in the peaceful, festive surroundings as you walked slowly towards the church. Your two younger twin brothers were running about you, jumping and laughing. Even they were feeling the Christmas spirit.

A few families were outside the church, waiting for the Mass to begin. You stood around, trying to control your brothers while at the same time trying to mingle like your mom wanted. Your dad was nowhere around.

Slowly people started trickling into the church and you, along with your family, followed them in. You slid into the benches and waited for the Mass to begin.

As routine, you said your prayers. Your mom clasped your had throughout, praying hard. Your brothers didn't dare move an inch if they knew what was good for them. You closed your eyes and sighed, feeling at peace.

But what you didn't like was the déjà vu of it.

The same thing happened every single Christmas. You longed for a change but didn't want to trouble your parents with it. So you kept quiet. After the Mass, you usually ate and slept and then next day you exchanged your gifts. You didn't even go out with your friends much.

But as you opened your eyes, you knew today was going to be different.

Standing at the front was a group of seven boys. The one at the center had a coconut hair cut and jet black hair. When he smiled, he revealed his bunny teeth. Two of them to his sides had guitars. The one on the left looked extremely handsome and tall, had light brown hair and was tuning his guitar. Total boyfriend material. The one on the right was short and chubby with a cute eye-smile. His hair was a light shade of orange.

Four of them were at the back. One had a saxophone and smiled at the crowd with a cute rectangular smile. To his left was a tall man who was trying his best to play the xylophone and hit it without breaking it. He didn't look too happy with this job either. And there was one on the far right with a drums set who was practicing meticulously before they began.

The one who caught your eye the most was the one right at the back. It was his brightly colored mint-green hair that brought your attention to him. He just walked in front of the black grand piano with a calm face, no expressions at all. You could only see his side profile but it was more than enough for you to be in awe of him. He carried himself coolly as he slid into the chair and buttoned up his black coat, preparing to play. He splayed his fingers gently on the keys.

They started to play a sad song about Jesus and you all started to sing along. They were all pretty good. The guitarists and the main singer had beautiful voices. The saxophonist's face looked like it was about to burst from the effort, but he looked like he was enjoying the performance. The one on the drums looked the brightest of them all and the xylophone player was his polar opposite, although he was making a clear effort at swaying to the song happily. You couldn't take your eyes off of the pianist though.

Nearing the end of the song, they all stopped playing except for the pianist. Everyone's eyes were fixed on him as he played his solo. His fingers flew across the keys, not making a single mistake. His eyes closed, his body moved along to the notes. His pale face was serene and you were leaning forward so dangerously that you were about to fall over the bench in front of you. You tore your eyes away from him for a moment to look around and that's when you realized he didn't have that affect solely on you.

Everyone seemed affected by him the same as you. Even your brothers' eyes were boring holes into the piano.

He was that good. His playing was soulful. Something you never thought was even possible, he showed it to you, he played it for you and everyone else over there.

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