New Life

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~Elezebeth's P.O.V~

I told them why I carried around my knife, and they were shocked at what I had to say. Eventually I stood up and said "I'm not that hungry anymore. I think that I will go to my room now. Good night, young master." I then walked away from the table and to my room.

As I made my way back, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I grabbed the hand and flipped who ever it was over me and on to the floor. Whipping my head around, I relaxed when I saw that it was Sebastian. "Oh! Sebastian! I'm so sorry! I..."I tried to tell explain to him but he cut me off.

"That's ok. It seems that you have some good reflexes." he said, as I helped him up. "It's just that I am not too great with people touching me after..."I said looking down at my feet.

"I know and I understand." he said as he pulled me in a embrace. My body was tight at first and then I relaxed in his embrace.

"Thank you, Sebastian." as he let go of me and then led me back to my room. I walked back to my room "Hey, Sebastian?" I said called over my shoulder. "Yes, Lizzy?" as he turned to me. "Can you help me get this corset off?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes." he said as he walked over to me and undid the string. "Thanks."

"I will come and get you up in the morning. If you need help with the maid outfit then I will help, or if you rather have Mey-Rin help you then just tell me." he said, as we looked at each other in the eyes.

"I think that I would trust you better then I would Mey-Rin at this moment." I said as he walked over to the dresser and pulled out some night wear. He walked back to me and hand me my night clothes "Ok, then I will be by in the morning. Good night, Lizzy." then he walked out of my room.

I closed the door and went to the bathroom. Then I changed into my night wear and walked to my bed to find that Sebastian had left me a black and pink robe on my bed. I put on the robe and smiled knowing that they just didn't have this stuff sitting around.

I known that he had to made it all. I put all of my clothes in the wardrobe with the shoes. I walked over to my nightstand and picked up my phone. I looked and saw that I had a text message from Trevor. I did answer the text I just put both my phone and iPod on charge.

I pulled out my iPad and I start to read some more of Black Butler. I thought to myself 'Its kind of ironic that I am reading Black Butler and yet I am really here.' now putting my iPad on charge. I now lay on my bed curled into a tiny ball then I remembered that I still have my robe on.

I get up and take it off then put it on the dresser. After I sat it down I lied back down trying to sleep, but I can't stop thinking about what Claude said. Why would he want me? I couldn't sleep so I got back up and put back on my robe.

I walked down stairs into a room that I knew Sebastian was in. I knocked on the door "Hey." I said, as I walked in and saw him with his head in a book. He must have got finished early.

~Sebastian's P.O.V~

I finished early with balancing the young masters money. I had pulled out a book and started to read it. Then Lizzy had walked in "Hey." she said as she walked into the room. I still had my head in the book "I thought that you would be sleeping by not." I asked not looking at her.

She walked up to the desk and I looked up from the book that I was reading. "I couldn't sleep and I known you would be here so I thought we could talk." she said now looking at me. I looked at her "What do you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"You chose what we talk about." she said. I took this chance to find out more about her. "How about we talk about your life because if you where raped then I'm sure that there has to be something more then just that." I said now pulling up another chair for her.

She sat down and looked down at her hands "I...guess that will be fine." I look at her even though she is not looking at me "Your the one who wanted to talk."

"Ok, you know that reason why I carry a knife, but you don't know how I learned to use it. Ever since kindergarten I was pick on and beaten by older kids. I finally got tired of get pick on and beaten so I learned self-defense to defend myself from them. I had trained every day to improve my skills. Then I finished on improving my skills a couple of months before 7th grade and before I meet my friends. When I got into 7th I didn't have any friends at all, but then I met some kids that didn't care about what I look like or how I act. As time went along they grown to be my best friends. Their names are Asytn, Natie, Trevor, and Joey. The bullies had left me along in that time, but then they returned. This time it wasn't just me, but my friends too. I wasn't going to sit back and just let them get hurt. I told the teachers if they don't stop it then I will and they are not going to like it. A week pasted and they still picked on us. I the good thing is that we all had the same classes together and I told my friends that I was going to stop it. That is what I am going to do and I told them to stay close to me. They did as I asked and we walked to 2nd period together. We took a short cut to are 2nd period and that happed to be in between two buildings. The buildings was wide enough that three people can walk side by side. We got half way down the way and I saw a big football player walk to us. The I looked back and saw two preps walking to us. I then told my friends that when they throw that first punch let me take it and they just need to drop to the ground. They did what I asked and I took the first punch that came. I felt the pain run though my ribs as the football player hit me in my side. The only thing that I didn't tell my friends it that I has low blood sugar problems. Then after that one punch the preps had punched me in there side at the same time. I feel the pain run even deeper as I fell to my knees. 'Freaks like you need to be put in their place.' the football player said as he went to grab Trevor 'Don't touch my friends' I said in a soft voice now looking down at the ground. He stopped and looked at me 'What was that?' he said as he went to kick me in the side, but I stopped his foot with my hands and I said 'I said don't touch my friends!' now standing. I stare into his eyes and now he looked scarred of me. Then I hear one of the preps said 'Let him go!' as she ran to punch me, but before she could I had flipped him and as he landed on the ground I catch the preps fist in my hand. She now looked at me scarred and then I flipped her into the football player that was trying to get up. Then turned back to the other prep that was now running at my trying to hit me like the other one and I stopped her as well. I flipped her on to the others. They got back up and tried to attack me again. The fight went on until I finally knock them out. Then I look to my friends and said 'I think that my sugar dropped' as I fell to my knees then to my side. Then one of my friends picked my up and they ran to the nurse with me. Then fell into the welcoming darkness." she finished telling me of her past.

She still was looking down at her hands not look up. I reached out to her chin and lifted it so that your eyes met. "It ok I understand." I said to maker her feel a little better. Then I stood up and said "Its about time for me to get the young master up so lets go get you dressed." as I offer her my hand to help her out of the seat.

"Thank you, for lessoning to me." she said as she took my hand. I helped her up out of the chair. We went to her room and went in. She pulled out a maids outfit and she went into the bathroom. When she walked out she turned around and pulled up her hair so that I can zip up the zipper.

I zipped it up and then walked to the closet and pulled out a pair of low heeled shoes. The shoes that I picked up was black and pink. It will got with the black, pink, and white maids outfit that I had made for her.

She was right the darker colors fit her very well. I gave her the shoes and said "I will be back to get you so that you can meet the other staff." as I walked out the door to go wake the young master. I can smell the sweetness of her soul.

Its like the young masters, but a little more sweeter than his. Now I know the reason that Claude wants her. The sweeter the soul the better the mate will be. At the same time there is something about her that makes me want to protect her. I wont let Claude have her, I will protect her from him.


Hey guys! Hows it going? Ok, don't answer that, but do answer this. How do you like it so far? Like what you ask? Well, the book and how its going so far. Oh, and I HATE SPIDERS!! I do have low blood sugar problem that part is real, I mean really real. Oh, and one more thing to ask. Do you ever get a wrighters block after every sentence? Editing done by ToriTrady.

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