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Oikawa loved Christmas.
He loved it almost as much as he enjoyed beating people that were almost as skilled as him in a volleyball match. However this year he wasn't all too excited. Despite the fact that his house was dolled up and the beckoning smell of the turkey cooking that was dancing throughout his house was making him drool ever so slightly, it was almost 100% a fact that he would be spending Christmas alone. His relatives were all in his home town and couldn't come over due to the snow, and his friends were either with family or were unlucky and had a work shift.

The brunette sighed loudly as he slumped back in his chair,watching some sickeningly sweet Christmas film on the Tv,the overpowering scent of his Christmas candle flooding his small home. 'I should probably get a girlfriend or boyfriend or a pet or something....' he thought to himself.

His moping was soon interrupted by a knock at the door. He groaned and stood up, trying to tame his bed head that he just couldn't be bothered to deal with. He went over and unlocked his door, he felt his heart skip a beat as he saw his very Bestfriend Iwaizumi Hajime, stood on his doorstep with a present and what he assumed was alcohol. What caught Oikawa off guard even more was the fact that Iwaizumi was smiling warmly at him.
"How long are you gonna keep staring at me,it's cold out here Shittykawa."
"O-Oh yeah come on in Iwa-Chan"
He stood aside and let him in, quickly shutting the door before  the cold air made its way inside.

Iwaizumi took off his shoes and looked around the setters home and smiled slightly,
"You really went over the top Tōru" the ace said a slight sarcastic tone in his voice. Oikawa changed the film that was on and slumped back onto the couch
"Well yeah,I thought my family was gonna come over..."
Iwaizumi frowned and sat next to him,opening one of the cans of beer and handing it to Oikawa as he went to grab one for himself.
"Open your present Oikawa"
The setter sighed and tried to hide his joy as he teared away the snowflake patterned wrapping paper.
"A...Gingerbread house...?"
"Well I'm our third year you said that you'd never done one before so I just decided to get one"
"Iwa-chan....thanks a lot,I can complete my childhood!"

Oikawa smiled widely as he and Iwaizumi pieced the Gingerbread walls together and decorated them with icing and small gumdrop like sweets. They also talked about different memories they had of the volleyball club and Aoba Johsai it's self.
"Finished!" The setter exclaimed as he placed one final sweet onto the roof of the house. They both stood back and admired their work. The walls were collapsing onwards and it looked as if it was becoming just a heap of sugary goodness.
"It doesn't really look like the box does it?"
"I think I can see that myself Hajime..."
They looked at eachothers and laughed
"Shall we eat it with the turkey I'm cooking?"
"Sounds good"

After eating pretty much most of the Christmas dinner and not even half of the Gingerbread house,they continued watching Christmas films and drinking whatever Iwaizumi had bought over. About halfway through the third or fourth film, Iwaizumi felt Oikawa resting his head on his shoulder and a slight dampness. He moved his head to look at the setter who was crying ever so slightly.
"Tōru, what's wrong?"
Oikawa sniffled slightly and looked into Iwaizumi's eyes and smiled warmly
"I thought this was gonna be my first Christmas alone but then you came and I got to spend a Christmas with Iwa-chan!"
Iwaizumi blushes slightly and put an arm around the weeping Tōru
"You're drunk Tōru,I think you should get to be-"
Oikawa wrapped his arms around Hajime and kind of snuggled him
"No way! I wanna stay here. I love you Iwa-chan! I wanna destroy Karasuno and Shiratorizawa and....I forgot."
Iwaizumi gently pressed his lips against Oikawa's and pulled him onto his lap
"Jesus,you're so loud Shittykawa,can we just finish this film in peace and quiet?"
Oikawa nodded and shut his eyes gently as he put his head back on Iwaizumi's shoulder.
"Merry Christmas Hajime"
He whispered almost inaudibly,the ace ran his finger through Oikawa's silky hair and placed a kiss on his forehead.
"Merry Christmas Tōru"

The end

A/n:Thanks for reading if you did! It's not that good but I wanted something out before Christmas lol.
I'll probs write the TsukkiYama fic when I get back to school if I'm not too busy.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas,stay safe my dudes🎄❤️

I hope everyone has a great Christmas,stay safe my dudes🎄❤️

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•Gingerbread house• IwaOi Christmas one shot Where stories live. Discover now