Chapter 34: Attacked

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Beth's POV

   After that small reunion Tsunade gave me full custody of the two siblings and advised them to stay in the leaf.

She said they would provide protection about the Kasais secrets and the abilities of Jade as well as Shiro and his sister being ghouls.

Also I think I forgot to mention but the boys name was Shiro and his sisters name is Saika. Anyways Shiro agreed, and him and his sister were registered into the village.

Right now, me and Shiro are heading to an apartment complex.

We arrived and he unlocked the door. We went upstairs and he turned and went down a hall.

I followed and he stopped in front of a door. Then he nocked five times, turned the locked nob twice, then he nocked twice.

We waited for a couple seconds then the door opened. I looked and saw a swarm of bugs leave the door and go back into the room.

Shiro laughed a little and opened the door fully. "Saika!" Shiro shouted.

He turned the light on and went to a living room area. There was a small table and a girl siting down looking at me.

I smiled and so did she. She then stood up and grabbed her backpack and things as Shiro explained everything to her.

She agreed with the idea of moving here and that made Shiro happy. Then Shiro packed his things and we left the apartment.

As we walked I led them to my new home and just kept looking around. I then pulled my hood down a little covering my eyes a little more.

I was kinda surprised how Shiro was so open about having his eyes showing. Even Saiki had her eyes being covered just a bit, but her right eye was exposed.

We kept walking and got to the Auburames compound. I put my finger in the lock and my bugs unlocked it.

Then I took my finger out as soon as I heard the click. I opened the gate and entered as I let them in.

When they all came in I closed and locked the gate. I walked to the actually house as they followed.

I then arrived at the door but before I could open it I heard the door hand turn. Then Shino opened up.

"The Hokage sent a messenger bird and informed me of this situation. Welcome Shiro, and Saika." Shino said plainly. He then looked at me and back at Shiro. "I got your rooms ready. There upstairs next to each other. I put signs up." He said moving out of the way and letting us pass.

I went in last and as Shino closed the door I was stopped by him hugging my waist and putting his head on my shoulder.

"I understand how good this must feel to know your clan isn't completely gone, but even if they were gone we could have made more." He said kissing my neck.

'Now I feel like a fucken dumbass. The reason of having sex after a marriage is for reproducing and having children with the person you love so you can preserve your bloodline. But I guess his family probably wants to know how a ghoul and an Aburames clan member will reproduce, and then experiment on the child.' I thought to myself.

"Shino I need to talk to you about that. A human isn't a compatible breeding partner for a ghoul. I understand what the book said but I'm not sure if the stuff in the book are real. I wrote all that from my memories that I have from over hearing the guards talk. And some of that stuff was muffled. Theres only even a 1 in a million percent chance that I can even have children." I said as I turned and held both his hands and looked down to the floor.

I saw Shino lean forward and felt him kiss my forehead. "I asked my father after finding a bottle earlier. He said a morning pill wouldn't work to get rid of a half ghoul half human child. So stop trying to get rid of it. Please. I know it sounds selfish but.....I want to keep it. And I know I should have asked you before we...did it, but please don't abort it." He said.

I was crying wide eyed under my sweater as I kept my head down. Shino begged me. He said 'please'. I stopped crying and managed to speak.

"Thats my choice......" I said as I let his hands go and walked past him opening the door.

I heard him about to say something but I was out the door and shut it in his face in seconds.

I stood there waiting and realized I dropped my bunny when he hugged me from behind. I sighed and took my backpack off.

I then left it on the porch and walked off. I left the compound and walked through the town. I then froze.

I sensed the same chakra that the four girls had. I then had this mouth watery feeling and began to run.

But not normally. No. I was running on all fours like Kiba. I then passed Lady Tsunade and Naruto who seamed shocked. "Beth!!" Tsunade shouted.

I stopped and stood up. I then turned to face her. My hood was off, and I had ghoul eyes. "I cant control it....I hunger for that chakra. That power. That blood. The flesh." I said as I traced my lips with my pointer finger.

I then saw that Tsunade was gritting her teeth then let go. "If there Orochimarus men then kill them and bring back a report." She said closing her eyes and knowing she has no other choice.

"Beth, what are you doing." Naruto asked confused and worried. "Oh, Naruto. I know that you have a type of beast form where you and the nine tails collide. The nine tails chakra cloak. This is my cloak. Well a part of it....anyway I cant stay since I need to feed soon." I said waving and running off on all fours.

I jumped on a building and kept going. I then got to the wall and jumped over it.

I ran and ran as I finally reached my pray. They where only 2/4 of a mile away from the village.

Still I cant believe I traveled that far in a short amount of time. I was hiding in a tree looking down at them.

It was only 2. One was a kid. No shit only like 10. The other was an older guy.

The guy had a cloak with a tooth pick in his mouth. He also had white hair in a messy bun. He was sitting on a log. I saw his face which look bored as he gazed at his sword on his lap that was out of its holder.

The kid had black hair that stopped mid neck, light skin, a grey t-shirt, dark grey shorts that stopped at his ankles. He also had kuni and shuriken holders on his thigh and his arm.

He was criss crossed and had his hands clasped together. He was concentrating his chakra to his hands.

Mmmmm. How delicious.....they may look weak but they are strong......

How nice......

Shinos Match (Shino bug love.) Naruto seriesWhere stories live. Discover now