Chapter 2

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A/N The song is called Undone, by Ed Sheeran (Video attached on side.) 

Chapter 2: The First Hotel

“Are you coming Dee?” Javen asked, his head poked back into the car. Destiny sat there with tired eyes, staring up at the most beautiful hotel she had ever seen. She was frozen to the spot and she couldn’t help but think about how Winter would be running in to meet the other four.

Destiny wasn’t much like her sister, she was much shyer. It had been two weeks since she had left the home but now Javen had to get back to work so she would have to spend some time in the hotel while he and the band sung together.

This week, they would spend in the luxury hotel of Chester. Destiny couldn’t look at any one thing for too long through the windows, there was so much to see that her eyes didn’t rest. She took in the old red brick of the hotel, the huge sign. ‘The Royal Hotel’ The sign read in black bold lettering. She smiled at all the colourful flowers that had started to close as the sun started to set, casting an orange glow over the well groomed front gardens.

Pulling herself back together she took Javen’s hand and he helped her climb out of the long black car. She wore the pretty blue dress that Javen had bought her and he had his stylist straighten her black hair and have neat curls twist off at the bottom.

Destiny felt like a little princess, her green eyes were framed with long, thick lashes. She was perfect. She could see the dimmed flashes through the tinted windows, the flashing lights that Javen told her she shouldn’t be afraid of. She was though, oh she was afraid of those flashing lights.

“Ready?” Javen gave her shaking hand a comforting squeeze and pulled her small body into his arms and out of the car after she gave him a shaky nod. The flashes hurt her head, the talking all around her. She tried burying her head in the crook of his neck to hide her face from the cameras. Her nod was probably the biggest lie she had ever told, she was far from ready.

She wanted to go back home to her sister and pretend it was all just a scary dream. Although she didn’t like her annoying sister very much, she always felt comforted by her presence, she always felt she had to be strong or Winter would tell her off. Without Winter there, she was slowly crumbling. Everything she knew was about to spin around and crash into her with full force.

Javen rushed inside where the cameras weren’t aloud. The huge open space shined with beauty. It was the biggest, most beautiful room she had ever set foot in. Javen set her down, her shiny black shoes tapping off the polished marble floor.

“I thought it might be you, Javen isn’t famous enough to rail up a crowd like that.” A girl teased. Looking up at her, she hung over the oak banister. She had long brown hair that fell in thick, bouncy curls, electric blue eyes that were framed by long lashes. Her face wore makeup but instead of making her orange like Javen had said it made people, it looked natural, full of life and she looked pretty. Thinking back to the posters on the wall of her room she recognized Eboney. Ebony was the main vocalist in the band and was always the center part of the poster with Oliver.

“Same old Ebony.” Javen laughed and took Destiny’s hand and started towards the stairs. Ebony tilted her head to one side and smiled sweetly at Javen and when he reached the top of the stairs she ran to him and wrestled him into a hug.

“I missed you Jav!” Ebony cried, her legs wrapping around Javen’s waist. Destiny watched with wide eyes as Javen let go of her hand to hug his friend.

“So, anyway,” Ebony said, pulling back and composing herself, she looked down at Destiny. “This is the new mini Javen then.” She said with a sparkling white smile.

“Destiny this is Ebony, she’s the annoying one of the band.” Javen laughed his introduction. Destiny frowned and took his hand again.

“That’s just what the annoying one would say.” Ebony teased and looked at the girl. “I bet you have been bored hangin’ with boys the last two weeks. How about we do something when we get the time?”

Destiny said yes with a silent nod and they started towards the bedrooms. The long unending hall was lined with wooden doors, a white wood with gold numbers on them. All around smelt clean and fresh, everything in it’s place. Everything perfect.

The door they went into was numbered two-hundred and one. There was a couple of giggling girls two doors down, hanging out of their hotel room door. Javen glanced at them before going into the room but Ebony waved flirtatiously and winked at the girls before skipping into the room.

Destiny however, stood, paralyzed to the spot, watching the giggling girls. They gave her a horrible look, one that said “If it wasn’t illegal I would kill you”

“A.M, Girl, Seven A.M.” The nameless woman shouted down the hall at Destiny. “Make sure they know.” With that Destiny followed into the room wordlessly and closed the door  behind her.

“There you are.” Javen put a hand on her back to push her forwards. There was three new people in the room. One boy who had straightened blonde hair that stuck up and down over his blue eye. Oliver Guitar and Vocals.

There was a girl hanging from his neck wearing a strappy dress with red six-inch heels, she wasn’t a member of the band but she was Oliver’s girlfriend. By the mirror Hail smiled at her, her bouncy red curls dancing about her small face. She was the shortest in the group, everyone else stood around six foot whereas Hail stood at a mere five foot six.

“So you’re the famous Destiny.” Oliver grinned and picked up his girlfriend, putting her down when he was up. He wore ripped skinny jeans with a black t-shirt of some sort of band.

“Come on Dee, there’s no need to be scared of us, we won’t bite.” Javen said and sat down with defeat. She shook her head and hid her face again. It’s not that she couldn’t talk, she could, she could talk for the whole of Britain, she just didn’t want to.

They offered her a tea, she shook her head. They offered her something to eat, she shook her head. They offered to take her to her bedroom, she shook her head. They asked her if she wanted to get washed for bed, she shook her head. They asked if she would ever speak and this time, she shrugged her shoulders and they cheered in triumph.

Later that night, when she thought everyone was asleep, watching the film or in Oliver’s case, in the other room with a girl. Destiny walked over to the guitar that leaned against the bedpost and touched her fingers to the smooth wood.

They watched her silently, there was no words that needed to be said in that moment. She picked it up, it was big on her but she was used to playing that size, at the orphanage she would sneak down to the music room and play the guitar that belonged to the supervisor. It was Javen watching her, he smiled slightly but stayed perfectly still

“Made of clay. Shoot me down. I’ll ricochet to the ground.Words of paint.” She sung quietly, her eyes closed as she heard the music play in her ears. She continued the song, soft and settled, her head rocking side to side in the water. They smiled as they listened to the words.

“I. And I. Have come undone. For the last time” She sang the chorus, hitting every perfectly, her voice soft to the ears of all the people in the room.

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