Jessica (Jessi)

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This part is about one of my other friends named Jessica. If you read my last part you would know that Jessica is the twin sister of Abby. They are furturnal (how ever you spell that) twins so they don't look a like. At all! They look like completely different people! If you call Jessica, Jessi, she will get really mad at you! I guess because her dad's name is Jess or something. I'm not sure... Another thing that I mentioned in my last part is that she loves horses! All of my friends from where I lived loves horses! I came from the country so it kind of makes sense I guess... She plays Horse Isle and Howrse a lot so if you play any of those games, look her up! Abby also plays those games! I don't remember any of their names on Howrse but I know on Horse Isle, Abby is DaringDusty and Jessica is Assifa. I think I spelled Assifa right... If Assifa doesn't work try Asifa... I'm not sure... Ok, I you liked this part, please vote and show Jessica that you love her!!!

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