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Jane woke up and pulled out the note. She slide it in her pocket and went to go find Jenifer, Alyssa and Briton. She walked to school and went inside. There they were they were always in that spot always there. 

Jane took a deep breath and counted to three and walked up to them. Briton noticed first and gave a glare to her. Jenifer looked up putting on lipstick and rolled her eyes. Alyssa stood

"What do you want?" She asked with a sour voice.

Jane handed her the envelope. Alyssa looked at it 

"What is this?" She asked

"Open it and find out." Jane said with more courage then she thought she had.

Alyssa looked at Briton and Jenifer Briton shrugged 

"Minds well do what the princess says i'm curious." Jenifer said 

Alyssa opened the envelope she started reading the note. Briton and Jenifer read it over her shoulder. 

"Jane?" Alyssa asked

Jane nodded.

"I'm so sorry about your sisters." She said with her eyes watering "They were the only people that didn't weren't scared to approach us. They were our best friends I can't believe that they died."

Jane couldn't believe what she was seeing Alyssa looked like she was going to cry. Briton nodded and looked away. 

"Well i'm in." Jenifer said

"I just hope you know what your getting yourself into." Alyssa said facing Jane.

"I know just as much as you do." Jane said.

Alyssa nodded "You in Briton?" 

Briton nodded turning her gaze onto Alyssa.

"Well lets go." Alyssa said.

"Where?" Jane asked.

"Your house of course." Alyssa said with a smile.

"Yea we'll figure out the riddle there." Jenifer said and started walking to the doors Alyssa walked next to her.

Briton made her way up to Jane.

"Never ditched have you?" She said I have never ever heard her talk once till now.

"Y-yea." I said.

"Goody two shoes." she chuckled.

Jane blushed out of embarrassment.

"Well lets go nerd." Briton said walking after Alyssa and Jenifer.

"How do you know where your going?" Jane asked.

"Do you think that we have never been to your house?" Alyssa laughed.

"y...yea." Jane said.

"We've been there so much. Its just when you get home you lock yourself in your room so you never know when we're there." Alyssa said.

Jane nodded that made sense.

They went inside and up to Jane's room.

"Your mom seems really upset." Jenifer said

"You would be too if your daughters died. Not just one ether." Jane said.

Jenifer said nothing.

"Ha ha you know your the only person I know that can beat Jenifer like that. Sarcasm is her second language. She always has a come back." Alyssa chuckled.

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