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Beware: Long af lol
You stared at your arms, the beautiful flowers being drawn on your skin. You didn't draw them though, because you weren't talented enough in the subject of art. The little flowers were doodles from your soulmate.

The little flowers turned into big flowers, when the small ones were smudged off, and large ones were drawn instead. You watched your arm as the flowers were becoming colored in with colors like pink, red, and blue.

"Y/N." The teacher uttered. Your eyes flew quickly to the teacher, who easily grabbed your attention by calling out your  name. It was history class, and you  were learning about the current presidents of countries like the USA, Russia, France, etc.

It was a pretty boring class, taught by Mrs.Smith, a teacher who loved studying countries other than her own. Your friends sat on both your left and right, while the idiots of the class sat behind you, making stupid jokes. Although Mrs.Smith always told them to calm down, they would completely ignore her and continue making jokes.

Mrs.Smith was the type of teacher only a few people liked if you got her humor. Since she was a history teacher, she made a lot of dark humored jokes about history, which most of the time, only you and your friends got. While you did enjoy history, Mrs.Smith never made you do fun activities, but just to sit and take notes about her slides.

After Mrs.Smith caught your attention, she continued on talking about the current president of the USA, in which you lived in.

"The USA president is Donald J Trumpet- I mean Trump. He has blah blah blah, and he married blah blah blah women." You easily lost focus, and continued staring at your arm. You already knew the information being taught, but you didn't really care about how many spouses a leader/president had.

"Our president is Donald Duck." The boys behind you snickered.

"Actually I would've voted for Donald Duck." Mrs.Smith pointed at the boys to stand outside, saying that this class was a class about history and current news, not technically about which president people should've voted for.

Gazing at your arm again, your arm was filled with beautiful drawings of cartoons, anime characters, and flowers.

My soulmate's artistic, you pondered.

A note was thrown at you from your friend who sat two seats to your left.

Look at my arm Y/N

You knew that the handwriting belonged to Jennie, the girl who you have known since you were basically kids.

Her arm appeared completely inked with beautiful doodles and inspirational quotes. You smiled widely as Jennie whispered that her soulmate was sweet.

"Stop staring at your arms ladies, your soulmate wouldn't want you guys to get in trouble." Mrs. Smith's eyebrows raised, leading to some boys snickering.

"You're just mad because you didn't find your soulmate who was all the way in Australia!" A boy snickered.

"That's it," Mrs.Smith set her book down, "out of my class, Mr.Kim." Mr. Kim, aka Kim Taehyung, one of the bad boys of the class, stood up from his seat and went behind Mrs.Smith to get to the door. Sadly, he didn't actually leave, but he started making funny faces behind the teacher. At first he crossed his eyes together, then he called her crazy, and finally as he was about to start dancing in a goofy way, Mrs.Smith noticed and shooed him out of the class.


Later in the day, the drawings that were on your arm were completely gone. It's been a few hours after school finished, and you've been hanging out with your friends while you waited for your mom to pick you up.

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