The Promise

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It was a sunny day.My last day with Chris until he came back from Afghanistan. It should be a rainy ,ugly day I thought. I didn't want him to leave.

"Did you pack  the food!"I called out to Chris.I was rushing around making sure we had everything ready for our picnic date. It would be my last day with him for a long time.

" Yeah princess!" I loved it when he called me princess.. He said I was his princess and he was my prince charming. I held back my tears.He wanted today to be a happy day for us. I will miss him like crazy.

We got in the car and he turned on the radio to Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift. This was our song . We both started singing along. Boy, would I miss this. He said that his favorite song is Drunk On You by Luke Bryan because it reminds him of me. he said he will listen to it everyday while he's away.

We got out of the car and found a quiet place by the lake. There was a slight breeze in the air. we ate in silence for a while until he suggested we build a fire since the sun was slowly setting. I don't want this night to end. I wanted him to hold me close and promise he wouldn't leave me.

"Hey babe." I quietly said.


" I don't want you to leave."

"I'll be back princess."

"But w-w-w-hat if you d-d-di-die!" I started crying.

"Listen babe, don't cry." He pulled me close to him. " I will be back ,I promise .I'll come back for you and I won't die, God is watching over me .When I come back we will get married , have a honeymoon in Paris just how you've always wanted , and we will have a household of kids , and you will be a great mom.I promise . " Chris said.

" What do you mean we will get married?" I questioned.

" Princess,marry me when I come back, marry me,please.Sweetie , I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Oh my gosh! Yes! Yes! I will marry you Chris!"I jumped into his arms  and he spun me around. This time I was crying tears of joy.

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