The Night With Natsu

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To those who have stuck around and gave me a bunch of support thank you! Currently, I am revising this story to make it better. Like I always say feel free to leave comments. 


Chapter Two: The Night with Natsu

Natsu and Lucy strolled through the streets of Magnolia admiring the atmosphere. The smell of meat danced in the air pricking Natsu's nose. 

"Hey, I think you got a little bit of drool hanging from your mouth." She teases. 

"I can't help it." Natsu replies holding his stomach. "I'm so hungry." 

Lucy laughs as she grabs a hold of Natsu's hand. "Don't worry, I'll make you something at home. I went grocery shopping yesterday." She give the pink haired mage a small smile gripping his hand tighter. 

The two continued to walk until they reached the riverbed. Lucy motioned Natsu to give her a lift so she could walk along the ledge. Without letting go of his hand, the blonde tiptoed across humming a lullaby her mother use to sing to her when she was little. 

The walks with her mother were just like this. The full moon glistening in the river, the cool breeze, and the stories her mother told her. They were magical and filled with so much laughter. Her favorite story was how her parents came up with the name Lucy. Oh how she misses her mother. She couldn't help but ponder on how her life would have been like if she was still here, but she was grateful for the feeling she and Natsu had. 

It was so natural with him. There was something about him that was so comforting. Nothing was forced. It was bound to happen anyway. All the adventures, all the laughter, and all the pain the two shared it was almost inevitable. 

Even now, she could hardly contain the excitement of being home with him. It was going to be a bit different this time. 

The two finally reached Lucy's apartment. Before the two take a step into the door, Lucy brushed her finger over Natsu's lips, "SHHH.... we don't want to wake the landlord lady." Natsu nodded and let out a small, but quiet laugh. "I am not scared of her." 

"Yikes, you wouldn't be saying that after seeing her fit into a two piece." She whispers. Natsu gags at the thought. 

The blonde mage quickly peeked through the door and tiptoed up the stairs while Natsu followed behind. Lucy quickly pulls her keys from her pocket and opens up the door to her apartment. She signals Natsu to come inside and quickly follows right behind him. 

"We did it." she sighs. 

Lucy places her keys onto the counter turning on the lights to her apartment. Natsu excitingly takes his shoes off and jumps onto the couch. his head was swinging off the arm rest like a child.  

"Home sweet home" He says. 

"Oh look, a perfectly clean bed." He points as he replies with a smirk. Natsu and Happy are always destroying her apartment. 

"HEY, DON"T YOU DARE! I just cleaned in here." She comments. 

"Hey, keep it down. Your landlady is gonna complain." Natsu says playfully. He raises his head and hops off the couch. He grabs ahold of her small waist and pulls Lucy into an embrace. The blonde bury's her face into his toned chest. She couldn't bare to look into his eyes. She knew once he saw how flushed her face was; he would make fun of her. 

"Thank you." He says whispering into her ear. "I know nothing about relationships and I am always being so unserious, but I do know that I want to be with you." 

Lucy raises her head up to meet with his blazing eyes. "I should be the one thanking you." She giggles. "I'm in Fairy Tail because of you, and now I get to be with someone amazing." She places her hand onto Natsu's neck planting a kiss on his cheek. 

"Let's head to bed." She replies. 

The two headed in front of the bed silently undressing. Natsu lifted up his shirt and carefully laid it onto the dresser. Lucy got distracted by how toned Natsu had gotten, she couldn't help but look. She began to walk closer to him tracing her fingers along his collection of scars. Natsu grabs a hold of her hand and pulls her close once more. The heat Natsu was radiating was making Lucy sweat. 

Natsu gently pulled away heading towards the bed. 

The blonde faced the mirror she had above her armoire, and pulled the pink silk ribbons from her hair. Each piece falling ever so elegantly. Lucy opened the second drawer, and franticly slid into a pair of pajamas she had received from Levy as a birthday gift. 

Natsu, on the other hand, was facing towards the window as she changed.  She couldn't help but think, 'When did he become such a gentlemen? He'd always poke fun at me undressing and try to take a peak.' Once Lucy finished getting ready for bed, she laid next to Natsu. The pink haired mage didn't hesitate to cuddle her. "You're so warm." Natsu shuffles around and says, "Well I am a fire mage" 

Lucy playfully punches his chest and giggles. 

And the two fall peacefully asleep holding each other. 


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