Regained and Unisolated

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Chapter 1

Rose's POV

I walked hand and hand with my mother up to Tender Care Elementry. My mother was pregnant then. 'Mommy I dont want to go to school what if they dont like me , I just wanna stay home with you and my new baby brother", I said as I grabbed hold of my mother's stomach in hope she would say yes and take me home. "Now sweety you know I have to work",She said as she kneeled down in front of me to pet my head as if i were a dog."Now go, go inside", as she pushed me towards the doors of the juvenile prison that held us kids captive against our will. "I love you ", She said as she waved on her way back to the car. I didn't repsond, I had a blank stare on my face. . . I took a one big breath and pushed the double doors open.

Once I was inside I stood there looking as if I were a deer in headlights , this was not what i expected at all. Kids running and screaming, nose dripping with snot, weird smells travleing threw the air, I wasn't amused, not one bit at what I just witnessed in my total of thirty seconds standing in that doorway.

I scanned the very large room for any sign of intelligent life my eyes fell upon a small group of girls that seemed to be more than snot dripping, nose picking, booty scratching todlers that roamed the room as if in the debts of South Africa by the drinking whole. I approached them with a bright yet humble smile , they were odd looking as if barbie dolls in your local supermarket.

One stood up once noticing my presence the first thing I noticied about the strange group of girls were there odd hair colors , dyed to their desire. She was wearing a large hot pink bow that matched her shoes along with her hot pink "DramaQueen" T-shirt and a black mini skirt. "Who are you"? She asked of me with quite the disgusted look on her face"Rose"I responded with some attitude. A small pink car hit my foot, "Wow" I said "The new limited edition Christy Doll convertable car. The girls looked at me in confusion of what just came out of my lips. I forgot not everyone was taught the same way as me so I dumbed myself down for their understanding since im quite ahead of the other childern my age. "I mean........ WOW a pink car"."Yeah, i know isnt it cool my dad bought it for me hes the second richest man in the city so that means i get every and anything I want". She said with pride "I'm Yukii ,thats Hana and Aiko", they waved from behind like the background people from TV shows that really dont have speaking parts and just there to fill in the empty space behind them."Wow , your hair is pretty how did you get all those colors in there", Said Aiko as she pushed threw Yukii to touch my thick long black hair with pink and purple highlights."My mommy did it she just opened up a new hair store"." Mhm.. cool", they said in amazement while Yukii stood there with a scoul on her face "Is that your doll over there", I asked as I walked over to the big doll house that was supporting the doll up. I bent over to pick up the doll once I had it in my grasps Yukii ran over to me with the face of a demon I touched her most prized possesion she shoved me and riped the doll from my palms I fell."DON'T TOUCH THAT, MY MOM GAVE ME THIS DONT YOU EVER TOUCH IT ITS MINE WHO KNOWS WHERE YOR HANDS BEEN"! She yelled in my face I stood up and dusted my self off. "Its not like my hands are dirty"I said "Whatever i dont care", said Yukii "Hey, she didnt know Yukii chill", said Hana as she walked over to my side as if she was standing up for me, and Aiko still Fascinated with my hair.Yukii rolled her eyes and walked off she seemed rather irritated with all the attention I was receiveing from her friends.A couple minutes later she returned "Uhmmm... excuse me", said Yukii as she tapped Hana's shoulder Aiko and Hana stood up by side Yukii I was about to stand up when a glob of I dont know what hit my face like a wet paper towel. I whipped my face to look at my hands to see blue paint I looked up at them they were laughing.

I...... felt it the tears were coming in the uder feeling of humiliation struck my heart like a homerun in baseball I started to cry the tears were rolling out fast,hard and heavy I couldnt controll it. I got up and ran in the oppsite direction I actually had no idea where the bathroom was at luckly I found the sign other wise i would have looked like a chicken with no head running around the room looking for an exit.I made my way to the sink with the little bit of eye sight I had left I washed my face to notice the blue paint wasn't paint at all it was sparkle blue glue that was now one with my hair. While observing my sparkle covered face I noticed someone in the mirror in the doorway when I turned around they whipped out of the bathroom in a hurry. I didnt get a chance to see who it was when i walked out the bathroom no one seemed to be out of place no one seemed to stand out. A strange vibe hit the back of my neck and went straight to my brain i turned around quickly to see where the vibes were coming from it was Yukii glaring at me from across the room. "Lets go", said yukii signaling the other girls to follow behind her as she swipped her long pony tail and it swung behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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