when i heard

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I had a feeling, and I didn't do anything. It's all my fault.


I didn't even know her. I wanted to know her god dammit.


Not her. I never got to say how much I appreciated her in my life. Please, not her, not her, not her.


How can any of us live with ourselves? It could've been any of us.


Why'd you do it? I'm sorry you didn't see any other solution.


Rest in peace you fierce amazon warrior. Know our love for you will never die.


I never even got to tell her.


That didn't just happen. She's fine. Maya. Is. Fine. Right?


Who's ready to cry? I have done some gmw fanfics in the past, but I deleted them all because I really wasn't feeling it. But I am super excited for this one. 

I hope you guys enjoy, and if you're also fans of SOR, you should check out my other works as well!

Love ya!

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