~Chapter 3~

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Joel, 3rd person POV

Joel stepped outside of his fathers hut. The cold biting his cheeks. Feeling the freshness of just bathing he pulls down his beanie lower onto his head. He walks down the rock outlined trail. All around him civilians quietly packed their belongings, hushing children and whispering demands. It was Joels job to check on the visitors, make sure they weren't waking up anytime soon.

Before he left, his father had handed him a bundle of soothing herbs, meant to keep the sick resting, in this case: the guests. What Joel really wanted is Blake's rifle, it came with a sling and actually fired real bullets. The 'rifles' he used were plastic water-guns that were dipped in indigo and henna. Blake's was real, hand crafted, and Joel wanted it.

By the time Joel arrived to the guest home it was nearly time to go. Joel fumbled for the bundle that was stashed away in his satchel.

"Bingo." He whispered. He smiled darkly as he struck the match. One. Two. Three. Four. Got it. In the split second he lit the match the rifle glinted with perfection. It was leaning against the wall right above the owners head.

Joel put the fire to the herbs. With his sleeve covering his nose and mouth he wove the assortment over the heads of the sleeping people, he couldn't seem to find the little girl Lilly would talk about.

Using the bundle as a torch he tip-toed over to the gun, he carefully picked up the heavy item. Slinging it over his shoulder and tested the weight. His father would be so proud, that his son finally did something for a change. Once Joel finished pacing, he spotted a tattered doll. Raged and weathered from age but still in great condition. The doll looked like a child version of Lilly with long dark hair of yarn sitting flatly on its shoudlers. Violet buttons for eyes. Joel plucked it off of Lilly's chest, flipped the doll over and saw engraved on its neck, June, bewildered he shoved it into his bag. "I'm sure she won't miss it." He thought.

He already knew his time was being wasted just standing there and didn't want to anger his father. In the wardrobe was two gallons of clean drinking water along with an important looking backpack he saw Blake carry. He kissed Lilly softly on her forehead and headed out. Joel walked back thinking of the story to tell his old man. "Perfect. " he thought to himself, perfect.

He silently said goodbye to the setting. Looking at the trees wave back and forth with the cold breeze as if replying.

Something wet hit Joel just above his eyebrows. Dammit he thought. If it begins to rain, more breaks would have to be taken to warm feet and calm shivering children. Joel cursed once again.

Arriving back to camp, his father already smiling at his only son. Joel explained about the rifle and sack, excitedly like a child.

Theo took Joel around the shoulder and walked deeper into the hut. "Did you do the thing?"

"Yes, Father." Joel responded, nodding quickly.

Outside the community crowded around silently with bags of belongings and children in their arms. Finally. It was time to go.

Lilly, 1st person POV

Waking up refreshed in a dingy place like this, unusual. Scratchy blankets and an old spring mattress worn down to a cot. This is very odd. I even dreamed! like what the hell. Sitting up in my bed slowly, looking around. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, except the lingering scent of something familiar. That was probably the best sleep since i was a child...


The windows shaking ferociously, the wind pressing against the pains, molding into the glass. Everywhere shards of gleaming death coming my way. Heaving arms wrap around me rapidly. Coffee breath in my ear, hushing me. Then a piercing scream, my mother, she was nowhere in sight. Following the noise, we see her.

She was wailing, her back towards us. Fragments of glass are transfixed into her, her back bloodied. My father dropped me onto the floor. I land on my knees and feel the remnants of the window dig into my knee caps. I saw his dark figure go straight to my sister, she was sobbing in my mothers arms. She made the disaster unharmed, thanks to her human shield. I stand up slowly and he hands the crying infant to me. My daddy walked back over to my near death mom. She was already taking long breaths, then pausing. He carefully took her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers sharing their last kiss. He held her until her chest no longer rose.

With my mom gone, things didn't get done. Every night we had T.V. dinners. Those horrible freezer burned packages of slosh. Some nights our dad would come into the room if he heard us crying. Burning some herbs from the garden out back to help us relax. He would also do this the nights he would bring someone new home. I got tired of his poor parenting. So I had to make a few changes. Taking matters ito my own hands.

No matter how much i wanted to give up and sink into a hole, I couldn't. Because it was I that had to make bottles of formula for June. I who had to change soiled diapers. I that had to get a damn job at the age of 9. I that had to get new clothes for June. I that had to explain to her the tragic event of our mother passing away. I had no happy childhood, because i was practically already an adult.


I Hope you guys liked this, took me so much to figure out how this all should go :p i need feedback, guys. How am I ever supposed to know what yall like and dont? Oh poo💩, anyways thank so much for taking the time to read😗

-Rynnie xp

OH DAMN WHAT A CHAPTER. Amiright? What's gonna happen next?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE GUYS! We really want this story to take off D; I love y'all anyway.



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