Chapter 12 - (Y/n)'s Dilemma

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You didn't realize that you fell asleep on the couch. After all, you were kept up almost all night by terrifying nightmares trotting along your mind. "Geez... I knew I shouldn't have watched that anime... I'm such an idiot sometimes! Why am I like this?!" (Because I wrote you that way, Reader-chan~) You whispered your scream, avoiding to wake Taro up. You were, you had to admit, somewhat scared now due to your nightmares. Of course, you knew they couldn't possibly be real. A crazy guy with a large, crescent-shaped kitchen knife chasing a girl that takes the oh-so obvious death trap track? No, not in your lifetime. Not in anyone's lifetime, you hoped.

Feeling a bit hungry, you decided to rise up from the cozy warmth of your couch, and made your way to the kitchen. However, you realized that you had to make sure Riceball got fed. Quickly and quietly, you ran to Taro's bedroom door to leave a crack in it, knowing that Riceball would soon give into her hungry desires and prowl through the home. When you made your way back, you had to make yourself get to work. You giggled at how lazily Taro just rested the large bag of kibble against the wall near your apartment entrance. You checked all of the drawers of the kitchen, seeing if there was anything handy, like a knife or a pair a scissors. You hoped to find the scissors first, since you did have a slight fear of knives. However, you knew you wouldn't hesitate to use a knife should your life ever be threatened. "Aha! Found you, scissors!" You say as you grab the heavy bag and dragged it towards you, cutting the top of it to show the many pellets of kibble that were contained in it. "Oh, my God... So much food for Riceball... Well, I guess I'm gonna have a fat cats in just a few days, huh? Alright, then. It seems like Ruki was thinking, 'Go big or go home', haha!" You chuckle to yourself while taking out a plastic, disposable bowl as the designated Fooder Scooper, as you called it. Gee, what would you call it for the litter box, Miss (Y/n)?

As if on cue, Riceball heard very clearly what was going on. She didn't know what at first, but then a welcoming smell entered her nostrils. Food. Other than tuna. This would be a great day for her. Using Taro's stomach as a boost, she had her hind legs jump off of him with an elegant force. Apparently, it wasn't elegant enough, as Taro woke up with a strained grunt. Rolling over to try to ease the pain in his stomach, Taro unfortunately...


He accidentally rolled off of his bed. His cozy blankets were now working against him as they kept wrapping around his legs and torso, trapping him in like a sushi roll. "Shit, shit, shit! Let me go, you motherfu---"

"TARO?! YOU OKAY? I HEARD YOU SCREAM AND--- Pfft!" You barged in his room worriedly, but that worry was soon replaced with a hearty laugh at your older brother's dilemma. "Haha, I'm not helping you. W-Wait, keep struggling like that, I need to get my phone to... R-Record this! Hahaha!"

He glared at you as he still struggled to break free. "You little bitch! You're gonna help me whether you like it or not! Just 'cause I can't walk or run after your ass, sure as hell doesn't mean I can't roll after you and make you trip. Now, stay still so I can catch you!"

You giggled at his attempts to roll over and catch you. You knew that he was after your ankles, that was the only thing that his arms could even make his hands latch to. You continuously dodged his efforts to grab you. He was getting even more frustrated at the fact that you weren't going to help him. Then, he had an idea.

"...Fine. You win, (Y/n)." Taro sighed in defeat.

You looked at him questionably. "Really? Well, I guess you do look kinda tuckered out. I guess I could help you." You say as you leaned closer to give him a hand, in order to help him up.

Taro smirked a wide and mischievous smile, and grabbed your hand rough, forcing you down against his bedroom floor. "Huzzah! I have won!"

"Touché, my arrogant older sibling." You spat, trying to get up from the floor. He yanked you down with immense force, causing the wind in your lungs to escape all at once. You gasped in surprise at how Taro was able to, at great speed, being rid of his makeshift chains. But, your brother wasn't done yet, as he quickly grabbed the blankets and wrapped them around your torso as well. He was exceptional at making it certain that you were not going to resist, wrapping the edges of the covers around your wrists so that you couldn't do anything. You still had your feet to kick him off at least, but... You felt the soft fabric snake around your ankles tightly. You were trapped.

"I think it's safe to say that I won this battle." He says as he walks out the room, leaving you in your binds. "Don't worry, I promise I won't forget to get you lunch!" He yelled from afar.

You had to think up a plan very fast to get out. Should you have helped him? Probably so, but who wouldn't pass up the chance to see their friend or relative in such a situation as this? Well, the tables have tabled, or turned, and you've had your fun. You were lost at how to break loose, until...


"Riceball! Girl, come here! You'll help me won't y---?"

"Haha. Yeah, no. You're on your own." Taro laughs at your misfortune with devious eyes. "Let's go, Riceball, I believe that our... Prisoner will be hungry soon." With that, Taro left and closed his bedroom door all the way, without locking it intentionally.

"...What the hell, Taro...?" You sighed.


"I wonder if I should help her or not. Riceball, what do you think?" Taro spoke to the cat as if she could respond with any words. Nothing. "I'll make her some breakfast, it's only 10:00 in the morning. She should be fine. Hope she didn't decide to let the water break on my carpet." He trudged his feet to his command to grab a fruit tart, a very sweet, but also not too sweet, pastry. He popped it in the toaster to warm it, as the pre-made sweet was wrapped in tin foil and was neatly stacked in a small, hand-held box, along with many others of its kind, waiting to be eaten by your and your brother.

As soon as it was finished, Taro grabbed the fruit-flavored goodness and tossed it on a plate gently, thankful that it landed with only a few crumbs missing. He grabbed the plate and walked to his room, where you were kept locked up. Not really locked up, but close to it.

"At least the blankets are comfortable. And the floor isn't that bad. An--- TARO?!" You were talking to yourself until Taro came in, interrupting your time to yourself. You were embarrassed that he caught you hopelessly talking to yourself.

"I'm pretty sure you're hungry, and now I, the warden, say that you could be free of your binds. Sit up so I can untie them." He says as he puts your pastry down and releases you from your chains. "Here, I got you dessert for breakfast. Since it's Sunday and all."

"Aww, you love me, after all!" You giggled as you forcibly took your food away from Taro. Clearly, you were a bit angry at him. But you were grateful that he didn't let you stay long in such circumstances.

"Shut the hell up, I'm your brother. Of course I love you." He sneered.

"That's so sweet of you~."



"Fuck that."


"Haha. No."

"Whatever, you jerk." You finish the conversation, eating your pastry. Riceball even joined the room.

"Oh, come here, Riceball. Let me love you, instead!" Taro says as he catches the cat attempting to skid away. "You're so soft~!"

"Hey, hey! I never got a chance to love her this morning! Give her up to me!" You argued once more, wanting to hold the little fluffy ball of joy.

"No. She's mine."

"That's unfair!" You pouted, stuffing your tart in your mouth filled with both joy and slight sadness. You left his room, going to fulfill the task of cleaning your dish in the kitchen.

He whispered very, very softly soon after you left. "And you're mine as well, (Y/n)."

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