Chapter 17

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Tylers POV

Damn she's really beauti- STOP IT BRAIN SHES TAKEN BY A GUY THAT CAN KICK OUR ASS. So? Doesn't mean you can't enjoy the view....

Without even trying she was making me want to have her, to call her mine. I could totally understand why her boyfriend reacted to me the way he did out on the road. Having a girl like her on your arm, you had to watch your back.

Even though I had just met her everything about her made my head spin. Her beautiful blonde hair, her dark brown eyes that seemed to be looking right into my soul, and especially full lips, just looking at them made me want to kiss her. But you can't. You can't take another guys girl. Respect the bro code.

I didn't realize I had been smiling at her untill I noticed her smiling at me.  But that's when he showed up and wrapped his arm around her waist. My smile fell. I saw them conversing and when it seemed the conversation was ending she offered him a tight smile. It wasn't like the smile she gave me out in the street before he came along, it was one of fear or cloudiness of thought. Hmm. Wonder what happened.

That made me think about what the hell she was doing by herself on the side of the road anyways. Was she running from him? Nah. No way they seem happy enough with each other. But if I ever find out she was running from him I'll kick his ass. Somebody as beautiful as her deserves to be treated like a princess.

Back to Narrator

Mateo and Darla entered the café, Tyler fixed his apron from behind the counter.

"Hey Darla! I thought that was you out in the parking lot!" More like I knew it was you because your the prettiest thing I've ever laid eyes on he thought to himself.

She laughed making him smile and Mateo cringe and tighten his grip on her waist. She stopped laughing when she felt Mateos grip get stronger on her waist; knowing he was getting upset.

Tyler noticed this sudden change and said "Everything alright?" with concern etched all over his features.

"Oh yeah everything's great! We're actually here because Mateo has something to say to you. Mateo?"

"Yeah I'll take a- OUCH what the hell Darla?" he said rubbing the spot on his arm where she had just punched him.

"Don't try and get out of this."

"Fine." he grumbled. "I'm sorry for threatening you when you were trying to help Darla out."

"It's cool man. No hard feelings."

"Great now would you mind getting us to regular coffees?"

"Would be an honor. They'll be up in a few minutes."

"Great." Mateo said stiffly as he lead Darla to a booth in the corner of the café.

After a few minutes it was Darla that came to see if the drinks were ready.

"Hey again Darla." Tyler said.

"Hey. Sorry about Mateo. He runs a short fuse when it comes to his temper."

"Not a big deal. If it was the other way around I would have reacted to him the same way."

She blushed.

"Here's your coffees" he said handing her the coffees while 'accidently" brushing his hand against hers.

"Sorry!" he said blushing a bright red.

"Its fine Ty don't worry."

Ty. I could get used to hearing her say tha-NO STOP. Mateo can and will kick your ass. Fuck.

"I'll see you around Ty." she said starting to walk back to Mateo.

"Hey wait! Would you uh wanna catch a movie with me this weekend? As friends obviously."

"Yeah that'd be great. Mateos got football championships this weekend anyways so we don't have plans. Here give me your phone." She said pulling hers from her pocket as well.

He handed her his phone and she began entering his contact information as he did the same.

Mateos POV

WTF is taking her so damn long. I swear to god if that guys trying to make a move on her I'll kick his ass. Screw it I better go make sure shes alright and he's not trying anything.

As I walked towards her I saw her hand him back his phone as he did the same with hers. Instead of walking calm back to the table like any other guy would I walked right up to the counter, scaring the shit out of the guy might I add, grabbed him by the collar lifted him off the ground and said "Leave my girl alone. Shes mine."

"You can't control her or decide who she talks to. Shes not your fucking dog." he snarled out at me.

"Watch it buddy or I'll have to kick your ass right in your workplace."

"Try it hotshot. I dare you."

Before I could punch the guy into unconsciousness I felt Darla's hand on my arm. I put him back on the ground but still kept my eyes on his.

"Mateo leave him alone. Let's just go."

"I'll leave him alone when he leaves you alone."

"Mateo I'm fine. Tyler was just asking me if I wanted to go to the movies with him this weekend." it was as if she had sensed my rising anger because she quickly added "AS FRIENDS. CHILL."

I had no words. I grabbed Darla's hand and starting pulling her out of the café.


OO Cliff hanger! Whats gonna happen next? What do you think of Mateos possesivness? Do your think Darla should see what happens with Tyler or obey Mateo and not see him. Most importantly though who do you ship? Tyler and Darla or Mateo and Darla?

Let me know in the comments.

I know this Chapters not that great but like I've said for the best 3 chapters I plan to come back edit revise and add more details once I get some more chapters up.

Don't forget to share,  comment and vote!

PS feel free to come up with ship names for the relationships.

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