Chapter 1

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It has been 6 months since I've started my chemo therapy and 1 and a half years had passed since I have been diagnosed with lung cancer . Life has treated me quite fairly after the incident but over time my appearance has changed . From brown silky hair to a short boy cut hair that stops at my shoulders . I have air tank that accompanies me everywhere I go just to help support my breathing . I have lost 34 pounds in the past 12 months which is way below average for a teenager . I'm getting wrinkles and I feel like I'm becoming a prune . I get strange looks and snickering from others but I guess I've gotten used to it . The only thing I like about myself as of now are my eyes . It's light brown and green by the pupil with gold specks surrounding it . My grandmother used to always say "Accept who you are; and revel in it" I seldom think about since I mostly spend my life struggling . But so far, I'm still alive .

It's an average Saturday and my Cancer Support Group is today . It's technically a group of diagnosed children who share their stories and the challenges they're facing . Normally I find hearing tragic stories depressing but surprisingly some of them are quite encouraging . I groan at the thought of getting up at 8 on a weekend . I plug in my air tank to the tube and place it just above my nose . I get up from my bed and see what the day has planned for me .

"Kath ! Hurry up . We're leaving in 10 !", my mom screamed .

I wiggle and jump as I place my jeans on . I drag my tank and trudge down the stairs . As I reach to the bottom of them stairs, a pair of keys immediately come flying towards me . In instincts, I quickly caught it . I turn my gaze up and see my mother with a smirk leaning against the doorframe . As I looked at her in confusion she said, "You're driving today!"

I cursed under my breath and asked her why .

"Because you've had your learners for atleast 2 years already and you need to get our own car", she spat . We sat in silence as I adjusted my seat when my mother broke the silence . "So any thought in what you want for your birthday?"

It took me about 10 seconds for it to process in my head . Did I just literally forget that my birthday is in 3 weeks ? I shook my head no .

"Well make it a good one, you're turning 16 for goodness sakes!"

I adjusted my mirror and off we went .

Surprisingly my mom and I made it to church alive . I may not be the best driver but I'm certainly not the worst one; atleast that's what I think . I've only ran past a red light twice today . Pretty good yeah ? I parked and turned my head to see a petrified look on my mothers face . She sat still as a statue . I place my hat on and unbuckled my belt when she exploded . "You nearly killed me!"

"Yes, but did you die?", I asked with a cheeky smile .

Before I could do anything else she kicked me out of the car . "Make some friends, Kath!"

I pretended to ignore her as I made my way towards the church .

As I entered I focuses at the 16 chairs aligned into a circle . That's odd . There's usually 14 including the councillor . I didn't make a big deal about and I made my way towards my friends Susan and Mike . I gave Susan a light punch . "Wassup my homeslice?" I asked with a cheery smile .

"Did you just honestly say homeslice?" "Yes and do you have a problem?", I answered .

She shook her head no and raised her hands in defeat . I greeted Mike and we continued on our pointless conversations .

At that moment Susan jumped off her seat as if she sat on a needle . I looked at her puzzled by her sudden action . "Guess who's coming to Canada?", she yelled .

I thought . Celebrities flowed my mind . Susan snapped her fingers in my face and I came back to reality .

"Oh my bad . Who?"

"MAGCON!", she practically screamed with a wide toothy smile earning weird glances from others . "Uh what's that?", I replied .

She shook her head, disappointment in her eyes and sat back on her seat .

I turned my gaze to the front and I notice a young boy that towered atleast 6 feet facing towards the altar . I turned all my attention to him . He had a brown quiff, and was wearing a pair of khakis and a white shirt with "Y&R" printed on the back . The boy stood there with both hads in his pockets stairing at the cross in the front . Unfortunately I could not see his face . My curiousness increased when I saw how healthy he was . No air tanks, no prosthetic arms or legs and a full head of hair . Who is this guy and what on earth was he doing here ?

As if on cue he turned around and I am acquainted with the most beautiful and bluest eyes I've ever seen ..






A/N Hey guys ! Thanks for reading (': It really means a lot !

How's my first fanfic so far?!? Feel free to comment watcha think !

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Next chapter will be up soon .

Thanks again .. <3 ..

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