Chapter 2

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As I caught the stranger's amazing eyes, we made stared at each other for about 3 seconds until I turned my attention to the ground . I savoured the image of him in my head and he was beautiful . Is it even possible for a guy to look prettier than you ? He had a long hooked nose, pink full lips, light freckles across his nose and ofcourse . Those gorgeous sky blue eyes that would make you melt once you look into them .

Once I returned my eyes on him, he was already walking towards. me . Oh . My . Lord . I immediately fixed my hair and tried to keep my heart beat steady . Okay act cool Kath, don't do anything stupid . Once he was a few feet infront of me my heart stopped . "Hey ! I'm-" I was cut off when he walked right pass me and took a bible off the bookshelf . At that moment I mentally face palmed my self and I could feel the heat in my cheeks, the color beginning to rise . I leaned forward, my knees steadying my elbows and began to chuckle very lightly at how stupid I was . "What's so funny?" , Mike asked . I shook my head .

"Alright guys, let's get started shall we?" Jeremy said . Jeremy is our councillor who's a little too happy even at the fact that his still single at the age of 46 . If I sat in a group of people with cancer hearing their tragic stories id be a little depressed don't you think ? Well, atleast he has something to be happy about .

Everyone takes their seat and I turn my head towards Jeremy when I feel a hard poke on my ribs . I turned around and see Susan with her eyes wide and her usually toothy wide smile . "Damn woman, ever heard of cutting your nails?", I hissed .

"Shut up and look" she spat as she pointed her finger towards the boy with blue eyes .

I rolled my eyes . "What about him?", I said annoyingly .

"That's Nash Grier ya idiot", she hissed as she lightly smacked my head .

"And ?"

"And ? He's in magcon ! I wonder what he's doing in here though" she said .

Oh great he's one if those jocks in those stupid groups that thinks he can get any girl . I wonder how many girls' pants he's gotten himself in . I roll my eyes at the thought and faced forward towards Jeremy . Everyone took their seats and the blue eyes boy sat diagonally from . Is it me or I can feel his eyes on me ?

"Hello everyone ! Looks like I see some new faces here!", Jeremy began .

I turned my attention towards the boy and he was fixing his hair . I lightly scoffed . I'm guessing he heard because he turned his head and we were making eye contact once again . It soon turned into a staring contest . After a while the boy gave me a small smile and finally his beautiful blue eyes glanced away . Ugh his eyes are lovely . I could stare at it all day . No stop it Kath . This is part of his trap . But wait, why would he like me ?When he returned his eyes back on mine I flicked my eyebrows up stating my victory .

Jeremy continued his beginning speech and finally it was time for introductions . One by one he asked us how were feeling and our story . One really struck me . A boy named Tobias shared a story about having surgery and after that he will be permanently blind . It cheered me up when he revealed he had a girlfriend . About 7 others went before it was his turn .

He gave a half smile when his turn came . His voice was deep, raspy and pure sexyness .

"Hello, my name is Nash Grier . I just recently turned 17 and I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 years ago but I quickly recovered . I'm just here today at Tobias's request", he said as he pointed towards Tobias .

Then my then came, I said, "my name is Kath and I'm currently 15 . I currently have lung cancer"

Neither Nash or I spoke for the rest of the Support Group . Once it ended I said my good byes to Susan and Mike and made my way towards the exit .


I turned around and Nash was there . Good thing he kept his distance or I'd have to crane my neck up just to look at him in the eye . I gave a simply hey which I thought was a little too quite .

"What's your name?", he asked . After that question he immediately shut his eyes and turned his head away when he realized what he just said . I gave a small giggle .

"Katheryn May Henderson"

"Oh cool . See ya around then" he replied a little bit to fast and walked away . I felt a little disappointed but whatever .

As I sat in the car on my way home I could not get his image out of my head . I guess my mother noticed since she asked what I was thinking about . I shook my head as I turned my attention on the road .

"It's a boy isn't it"

With that simple sentence I snapped my head towards her .

"Do you like him?"

No definitely no I thought .

Wait .

Do I ?






Eeeeeep ! What'd you think about the second chapter ?! :DD

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Thanks for reading .. <3

3rd chapter will be up soon ..

<3 <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2014 ⏰

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