Part 2

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Alarm clock rings⏰⏰⏰ and one girl stop it , she set up and it's revealed to be ragini . She turns her head and see her baby sis chakor sleeping peacefully 👼👼 ragini smile at her and smoothly wake her(chikku wake up baby it's 7:30 a.m. time to take bath and make breakfast🍞🧀🍳☕) chakor slowly wakes up and said(good morning di😙) they greet each other and do their daily routine. As they live alone in their house coz their parents died 3 years ago😢😢. At 9:00a.m. ragini reached her office with chakor as she also studying at ragini's office/global research center of science and historical studies government of India. Ragini report her senior who wants to talk about an important assignment , ragini knock he replied(come in ) ragini gets in said(good morning sir, you want to talk to me?☺) He said(yes ragini, as you know we from months in touch with American government and tries to get information about historical data about ancient cities of there so that we can make a documentary for the betterment of students across the globe and we got success in that they offer us an opportunity to join them in their mission of treasure hunt in Peru and for that they need some people from here so I recommend your name as 1 you are my brilliant student and 2 I know it's your dream) Ragini jump in excitement but thought(sir I can't leave chakor alone so I can't take it) he said( ragini don't worry you can take her with you as trainee coz now her holidays going to start and she can go☺) ragini nodded happily and asked( sir how many people we need?) He said( well I am sending rakesh with you but you can take an officer and a guide with you who knows about that place) Ragini takes important papers and started reading them and name of laksh there ,she read more and find that he is working on treasure hunting cases his last case is near Peru but he got removed by government as he get seriously injured🤕 ragini thought to talk to him and grab some information.......
On other hand rakesh(who is appointed by government) sell this information to some people for money🤑🤑🤑
In garage type area we can see one girl walking holding package in her hand💰💰💰 as she came in light she revealed to be swara . She go in one room and put that package on table in front of some people and said(here I only got these today as on last moment police arrived and close the bank anything else for me today?) . The guy in front of her said(good job but from now you don't have to do this.) Swara asked(why?) The guy said(as you are going to Peru on treasure hunt and came back with treasure, you are going in place of rakesh he'll make sure you go without any problem and with approval of government as he tell us about whole mission and it cause us profit) swara asked(but why don't you send him as his your trustworthy man why me?) The guy say(he just sold he co-workers  and government secrets for money what is the proof he didn't betray us ? And besides you don't have guts to betray us got it now go and pack) swara leaves.......
On the way of jail chakor asked(di what if he didn't give information, what we do then?😯) Ragini said(but we have to try chikku maybe we have luck).......
Episode end on ragini hopefull face , swara confused face and chakor thought maybe this trip change our life hope for the best☺☺☺☺........

Hello guys I hope this part is good and also I give nickname to chakor as chikku coz I find her cute with chubby cheeks😄😄 I hope chakor and sukor fans like this name 😊. Please read, comment and vote and big thank you tosindhuraii Sukorian RojaGodaba Charmedone22 SowmyaJohnson for your support and love😍😍 hope you guys like it please vote ignore my silly mistakes😊😊😊

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