The Dream!

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Luke's POV:

Today I am going to the town Library. I usually go there on Monday's after school! I am gonna take out a book called. "Mermaid tales" I know I'm a boy but I love fairytales! My best friend Max is coming with me. His 18 and has a little sister name Mill.

"Come on Luke! Pick up the pace!" Max called a block ahead of me.

"Sorry!" I yell back. "I was just day dreaming!"

Max shock his head and smiled. "You always are dreaming! If not while your walking. It's when you're in school!" He said as I walk up to him.

I look down and smiled. "Well....I did have a strange dream last night..."

Max looked at me. "How strange was it?" He asked as we walk.

I looked at him. "I....tell you when we get to the Library!" I smile.

He gives a nod.

We get to the Library and I look for the book.

When I found it we sit down.

"Sooo....." Max says.

I look at him.

"Aren't you gonna tell me?" He says.

I sigh and look up from the book I was reading.

"It started in the sea. I was swimming around with two other people. We were talking and playing. Then......we were swimming to a under sea a castle..."

"Under sea Castle?" Max asked.

"It was huge. When we got up to it....a king and a queen were there. There also was a little girl. Her hair blonde and blue eyes. She was swimming to hug me. Beside them was a boy.....with light brown skin, white short hair, and brown eyes. He smiled at me. I smiled back. Then all of us went into the Castles gates. There was this big Kingdom. I looked at the boy with the white hair he says. "Your beautiful" I smile. Then we hold hands swimming. Then......the dream ends"

Max looks me. "That's it...?"

I was looking down not willing to met his gazes.

"Yes it is?" I said.

"Well it was just a dream!" Max said trying to make me feel better.

I looked up a little. "Yeah I guess...." I said.

I knew that dream met something but what........

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