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I woke up confused. As I glanced around I saw four stone walls with nothing on them, but a small window-about 1'-by-6"-on the wall opposite from a corner containing four boxes, but I decided not to think about them now. Where am I? I looked down to see I was still in my nightgown, have I been kidnapped from my room in the night? What happened.
I heard a groaning noise that snapped me out of my thoughts. "W-who's there?!"
"Pardon me, who are you and why are you in my bed chambers?!"
"Sorry mate but I'm pretty sure these ain't your chambers."
"Oh, uh, well then. Who are you?"
"Oh, my names Ellie sir," I mumbled.
"Lovely, I'm Max," he replied, standing. He sounded a bit irritated, of course who wouldn't be?
"Keep it down over there you two!"
"Who's there?!" Max and I called out in unison.
"Name's John, now go back to bed!" He shouted again. The he shot up and yelled, "Wait, who're you and why are you in my room?!"
     "I'm Ellie, this is Max."
     "Nice to meet you sir," Max jumped in.
     He scoffed, "Bloody hell, where are we?"
     "Um, that's the thing sir, we don't know," Max answered.
     "Well why don't we just leave then?"
     "Pardon me, if I could say something, we would've tried that if there had been. Any. Doors."
     "Right, well how old are you?" He questioned, nodding at me.
     "I-I'm 16, almost 17," I stuttered.
     "What about you?"
     "Oh I'm 17, going on 18,"
     I turned to Max, "What is this, The Sound of Music?" I said, rolling my eyes a bit.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" We all jumped back a bit at that.
"What in the bloody hell was that?!" Max turned in the direction of the voice to see a girl who looked to be about my age, if not a little older.
I stepped in front of him and got a good look at her. She had wavy brunette hair that went just past her bust, with highlights. She wasn't small, but she wasn't huge, she was a good size for what I assumed to be 18. She has mocha colored skin that complemented her hair wonderfully.
I walked over to her, "Hello, my name's Ellie. It appears we're in a bit of a tricky situation here, so if you could get your ass off the floor and help us! It would be greatly appreciated," I started yelling at her towards the end, and finishing sweetly with a smile. She stared at me in shock before standing up.
"W-who," she cleared her throat, "who are you? I-I was just asleep at-"
"We were all just asleep at somewhere else," Max cut in.
"That's Max. And that's John. I'm Ellie as I already said. None of us know what happened, the window up there is too small for any of us to climb out of, and the only things in here are those boxes," I pointed towards the corner.
She peeked over my shoulder, "Well, maybe there's something useful in one of them,"she shrugged and walked towards them. Max, John and I exchanged glances and followed her.

     "By the way." I spoke up, "what's your name?"

     She hesitated before looking over her shoulder, "Call me Jazz."

     We got to the boxed and unstacked them. Jazz picked one up and immediately noticed, "These have our names on them."

     I looked down at the one by my feet. "MAX" was scrawled on in a black marker. John walked over and handed me one that said "ELLIE" on the top, then Max and Jazz traded theirs until we all had a box with each of our names on it.

     I knelt down and used my nail to get through the tape securing the box flaps together. when I opened the box, I don't know what I expected to see. Definitely not this. I never expected to see this again in a million years. Yet, here it was. Sitting less than five feet away from me.

Jenna's ring.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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