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Mystic Falls, 1864

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Mystic Falls, 1864.

THE QUIRAY'S MOVED TO THE SMALL TOWN OF MYSTIC FALLS FOR ONE REASON ONLY, to make money. Edgar Quiray was a man from a wealthy background yet he desired more. To him, the only reason anyone should have children is so they can earn more money.

That is the reason his only daughter stood in front of a man on one knee whom she didn't love and said yes to the Oh-so important question, 'will you marry me?'.

The brunette girl had had many dreams as a young child, at least as far as a woman's dreams would allow in 1864. She dreamed of a massive house, a husband who loved her with a love that was raw and unconditional, children to care and dote over. But most of all she dreamed of a life that was hers — a life that she wanted, not her father.

This was her exact thought as she plastered a wide grin that could dazzle anyone and cover her imminent tears.

"Yes." She croaked, hoping that the man in front of her would believe her tears were from happiness.

A smile spread on his lips as he stood up, sliding the large diamond onto her finger. Weighing her down with the heavy burden. He leaned down to peck her lips, with a laugh, she returned the smirk with all she could muster.


One Week Later:

"Oh, I do love a man in uniform." The brunette noted confidently, grinning at the man in front of her. Rosamie had spotted a man in a confederate uniform, he was completely handsome and Rose couldn't help herself.

He stopped walking towards the back of the mansion, where the faint sounds of a garden party could be heard, and turned to be stood in front of a beautiful stranger.

"And I do love a woman in a pretty dress." He smirked with the retort, looking the girl up and down, she laughed and continued to hold his piercing stare.

"Now, is that any way to treat a lady, Mr. Salvatore?" She queried, but smiled nonetheless. Butterflies were swimming in her stomach, the man enticed her and he could say the same for her.

"Ah, you've heard of me." Damon stated raptured by the girls enticing chocolate eyes.

"And you've not heard of me, so it seems." Rose clarified before sticking out her right hand, which had previously been placed behind her back, "Rosamie Quiray." She introduced and Damon gladly pecked her hand, making a slight blush rise onto her cheeks.

"Well, Rosie, would you care to escort me to my garden, there seems to be a party that I wasn't invited to." He held his elbow poised for her to clasp and she happily obliged.

"I can help you there, Damon — the party is for me." She announced, a smirk dancing on her lips.

He stopped for a moment facing the girl, "for you?" He repeated, evidently confused.

"My engagement party." She giggled as she revealed her left hand on which a diamond ring graced. The older Salvatore's mouth visibly opened and the younger girl couldn't contain her laughter.

"Rosamie." Stefan called, jogging slightly to catch up with his fiancée, "Damon!" He gasped with surprise, "You're home! I'm so glad, and just in time for the wedding!" He finished with a smile.


"We shouldn't be doing this." Rose gasped against Damon's lips that were moving against her own. Her body felt like fire wherever his fingers traced.

"Then why are you still here, Rosie?" He mumbled, moving his lips to her neck whilst his hands fumbled to reach the ribbons behind her corset.

"I can't help myself." She said, breaking away from the raven haired man, who's eyes were filled with lust, and untied her own ribbons, "it's you I want." Rose admitted, letting her dress fall and stepping towards Damon to reach for his face, once again connecting their lips into a heated embrace.

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