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First Published: Dec. 23, 2017

Edited: Jul. 3, 2019

Edited again: Nov. 14, 2020

Editing this is so hard, but I think I wanna leave the cringe bits cause I honestly don't know how to fix them.


Y/n's  Pov

   "You seriously have a strong hatred for your brother Y/n."

   I roll my eyes, "Jinx, he is the actual worst. Not to mention his team is disgusting. I mean seriously! We are the bad guys but at least we can use table manners! I mean, I guess Raven is okay, but still!" She punches me, "Ow, sorry. I forgot about you and Cyborg. Though, he is still really gross." 

   She smiles at me, "Y/n, you think all guys are gross. You have to like one of them." 

   My nose scrunches up, "It would have to take a lot for me to love someone. I mean honestly, who do you think I am, some kind of female Chad?"

   She giggles and nudges my shoulder, "Well what do you want in a man?" 

    I sighed, "I'm not getting out of this, am I?"

    She shakes her head no.

   "Well, first of all, bold of you to assume I want a man. Regardless though, even if I did, they have to have cute hair, a funny personality, caring, and if they really want something and have a strong passion for it--they go get it at any cost. Oh! Plus they have to be some what mischievous." 

   Laughing again, Jinx replies, "Picky much?" I scratch the back of my neck flustered. 


   She ruffled my hair, "On a different note, there is an ice cream place around the corner, you wanna go?" 

   I smirk, "Of course, though I don't feel like paying and I don't think you want to either." She returned the smirk and proceeded to giggle.

   "You so get me."

   After a little walk, we reach the ice cream shack and saw Cyborg and Beast Boy there. I groan already knowing what's going to happen, "Jinx, please don't-"  I cut myself off and saw she was with Cyborg, "Leave me." I walk over to them and sneered, grabbing Jinx away, "Get your sticky hands off my best friend. I don't want her catching a disease." 

   She laughs at my antics, "Geez, jealous much?" 

   I cross my arms and glare, "Yes, actually. This was supposed to be our day out." She continues to laugh Cyborg joined in on her amusement. "Fine, I will just be forever alone, getting ice cream by my self." Finally cooling down, she sighs playfully at my statement.  To continue my angst moment, I blast the ice cream worker out of the stand dramatically and got my self my favorite ice cream flavor in a wonderful waffle cone. To finish my charade, I glare at the two love birds and start to walk back home.

   "Y/n! You better pay for that!" I heard Cyborg yell. With him striking a nerve, out of complete and utter spite, I blew up the whole stand sending the ice cream inside of the shack, as well as parts of the shack, into the sky only for them to rain back down to the ground. 

   "How about you chill out and mind your own business you crumby hero." I flip him off not even bothering to look back at him. Suddenly, I hear thumping behind me and without a chance to react, I was on the ground with a green gorilla pinning me down. I looked over and saw my ice cream on the pavement. "Why you gotta be a-" I looked forward again and I was face to face with beast boy. I felt my face flush and I froze. My eyes widened.

    "Dude you better pay for that ice cream." I took a deep breath.

   "What ice cream? The ice cream you wasted and that is now on the floor! That poor ice cream, it didn't deserve this!" I let out a fake tear. "And I~ will always love you~" I sang to the ice cream. I think he was freaked out. "Okay enough with the games, even if I wanted to pay for the now dead ice cream,  which I don't, where am I going to pay for it? Besides that, you're straddling me, so how could I get up and pay for it?" 

   Realizing the position we were in he immediately got up which was stupid because he had me pinned but whatever. He, who is clearly embarrassed by his stupidity, came charging at me as a rhino probably trying to regain his pride, but before he could touch me, I blast him with fire before he even got the chance. I watch as he flew across the street, "Man, that got heated. Heh, anyway he got what he deserved for murdering my poor ice cream," I turn to look at Jinx, "Come on Jinx, lets go find another ice cream stand to raid."

   "Only if Cy can come!" She clung to his arm like a child who thought they were going to be separated from their trusted guardian.

   Cyborg added, "Only if BB comes!" 

   I groan, simply only wanting to spend time with my best friend, giving in because I know how stubborn she is, "Only if he doesn't drop my ice cream or straddle me." 

   Beast boy came up from behind me and replied, "No promises," He winked. I punch him and groan even louder. Why does she associate herself with these perverts? Jinx comes near me and nudges my shoulder while wiggling her eye brows. I punch her as well.

   "You know what, I think I just going home and lock myself in my room, away from you gross things, and Jinx," I look directly at her, "bring me home an ice cream." 

   "What's her problem?" 

   I glare, finally losing it, and blast Beast Boy, "You're my problem! You're all a problem!" Not wanting to continue this, I ran off towards home starting to feel the tears welt up. Why does everyone have to be an asshole? Why do I have to be so emotional and dramatic?

Jinx's Pov

   "She is totally into you." 

Full of Emotions - Beast Boy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now