Loke the Irresistible

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(play song id you want and keep it on repeat)

Y/n's Pov

   After last night, I figured just going for a nice long walk would make me feel, less. Even though I have tried this when I was younger and it didn't work too much, it was relaxing. "Y/n where are you heading off to?" Jinx asked. "I'm going for a walk to calm down, or maybe sneak into Raven's room and meditate with her, why?" She smiled slightly, "Okay, if you need to talk I'm here." I chuckled, "I know. Trust me tonight I will fill you in on everything."

   Smiling, I walked out of the tower. Hey, I think I'm going to get ice cream. I started walking to the ice cream stand and once I neared it I blasted the worker out and got myself some ice cream. Walking out a guy approached me. "Hey~ Who do I owe the pleasure to for casting my eyes upon such a beauty?" I giggled. Wait I...giggled? "My name is Y/n. I'm apart of the HIVE."  

   He smirked, "So you attend Brother Blood's academy?" I smiled, "Yup. Not to be rude or anything but I introduced myself, when do I get you name?" His smirk widened, "Straight to the point I like that, you can call me yours." I felt heat rise to my face. "Haha, what is your actual name?" He smirked, "Loke."

   "Well, Loke I think you're a cool dude." He jokingly frowned, "Aw, I thought you were gonna tell me you thought I was handsome.." I laughed, "As charming as you are I don't think just handsome can describe you." He smirked and wrapped his hand around my waste, "I like you Y/n, you like to have fun, can I have your number?" I smiled, "Of course." As I was handing him my number, when our hands touched his hand glowed. All the sudden I wasn't in control of my body. It was almost like I was in my eyes but small. This is what I get for going along with a perv.

Beast Boy's Pov

   Robin, Cyborg and I were cruising around town and I heard giggling. "Dudes that sounds like Y/n." Robin looked down, "Just let her be, she doesn't deserve my time." I glared at him, "It is your fault she doesn't like you, you did drugs, you raped her best friend and killed her best friend." Robin argued, "I did not! I admit I killed her friend, but I only did so because it was either her or my mom and dad, which didn't turn up for me because Y/n killed them, but I never raped her, and I only did drugs for 1 minute, I didn't like it so I stopped."

   I turned my head, "That's not what she said." He rolled his eyes, "She was psychotic, she couldn't see or hear right, her friend was like that too, when she killed our parents she gained her sanity. However she was sent away." Me and Cy's eyes had shrunk in fear. "She's better now but that not the point, she is with some dude."

   Wow subject change. We looked over and I saw the guy we fought last night. He had Rae Rae and Star in some love spell. I thought he was in jail. "Hey Robin, isn't that the dude from last night?" He glared, "Yeah, and he is flirting with my sister." He  growled. For some reason I feel jealous, I don't know why, she blatantly lied to my face.

   Then we watched then flirt until he touched her hand. Her eyes turned pink and her powers aura surrounded her, every emotion, only with her emotion which resembles pink is standing out. Wait does that mean- She fought with- She loves- ah forget it now's not the time. Robin ran over to him and smacked him over the head, to which Y/n set him flying.

   Cy walked over and she did the same but not as hard. So I walked over, "Hey what are you guys up to?" He glared at me. "My precious flower blast him." Her eyes flickered her normal (e/c) (eye color = e/c) to pink again. She looked at me up and down and bit her lip. Was she checking me out. "Blast him you whore!" She tried blasting me but she blasted a teddy bear at me.

   "Seriously, I'm sorry for being mean cutie pie, can you please blast him, he is defying our love." I gagged. Her eyes flickered again, they stopped at (e/c), "No." she was gonna blast him when he kissed her, in front of me. Her eyes turned pink, "No." She paused, "Problem." She once again tried to blast me but she only flung stuffed animals at me. Her powers are freaking out again.

   Wait maybe if I- no she would kill me. She loves ice cream so, maybe if I stick ice cream in her face she will snap out of it. I turned into a cheetah and grabbed an ice cream cone. "Here you are, your favorite flavor of ice cream." Once again her eyes flickered but he squeezed her butt and they went pink.

   I was fumed, no. I am fumed. "How dare you touch her like that!" He cackled, "And what are you gonna do about it?" He did it again and I turned to a T-Rex. He started quivering and ran away. Y/n started to walk toward him, when I stopped her. I turned back and said. "I still have that ice cream." and waved it in front of her. Her eyes didn't even flicker. 

   The spell is too strong, uh. "I'm sorry." I leaned in and smashed my lips on hers. She was trying to push me away at first and then she melted into it. I pulled back and her eyes were flickering and she was back to normal. Her face is redder than Robin's suit. "You just, you, you." Her eyes were shrunk in fear as she looked at me.

   "A thank you would be nice." Her face was brightening, "Right, th-thsnks

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