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Made by: musical_writer

It's never been this bad before. There's always the blood craving that the tablets don't always satisfy. There's always the need for fresh, human blood. There's always that panging in his chest that makes him feel guilty for even thinking of hurting someone. But there's also the pang that tells him it's survival and that he needs to go out there and sink his fangs into the tastiest human.

Tyler can usually deal with it, but not tonight. His eyes glow red in the darkness as he stares at his friend's sleeping form. The Brit was visiting for a week, so Tyler stocked up on blood tablets and even kept a few bags of animal blood in the small refrigerator in his room for emergencies.

Even if he had to turn to animal blood, he would not risk hurting Mini.

But it seemed like nothing could keep the cravings at bay. Tyler should have known this would happen and make up an excuse as to why Mini couldn't come. After all, Tyler's fancied the Brit for a while. He's always imagined sinking his teeth into the soft-looking, pale neck of his...

Tyler hadn't noticed he was moving closer. He's now leaning over Mini. The fellow gamers lies so vulnerably; head tilted to expose his neck, as if he wants Tyler to bite him. He licks his lips, eyes glowing again as he leans closer.


A breeze wakes Mini. He groans and forces his eyes open, looking to see if he left the window open. To his surprise, it's open. He doesn't remember leaving it open, and it's not even windy out there. What was the breeze? Has someone come in? Mini shakes off the thought, getting out of bed lazily to shut the window. Clamping it shut, he returns to his bed and falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.

Once again, Mini wakes to the cold air. The window is open again, he discovers as soon as he opens his eyes. He sits straight up, suddenly wide awake and alert. He freezes at the site of a tall shadow leaning against the closed door. Squinting his eyes, he turns the light on.

"Tyler!" Mini exclaims, jumping out of bed.

The tall male is clutching his side, a pained expression on his face as he gasp for air. Mini doesn't question it, not yet anyways. When Tyler's okay, then he'll ask.

Mini rests his shaking hands on Tyler's shoulder, planning to lead him to the bed, but the male shoves him away, getting blood on his Mickey Mouse shirt. Mini's hands start to shake more, panic rising. It's taking everything he has not to break down at the sight of Tyler, to remain calm.

"Tyler," Mini says quietly, reaching out slowly. "Let me help you."

Tyler looks up, eyes changing from pain to bloodlust and hunger. Mini steps away, but the male is too quick. He grabs Mini's arms, and shoves him against the door, grip painfully tight. The Brit yelps as Tyler shoves him with inhuman strength, cringing as he back hits the surface painfully and Tyler's nails dig into his skin.

"I need your blood," Tyler rasps in Mini's ear. The Brit shudders, trying to struggle. Tyler pulls away to look at Mini.

His eyes are blood red now and Mini can clearly see two shining fangs.

"No, you-you aren't thinking straight," Mini says. "I'm not thinking straight. Let's at least clean the blood, Tyler-" the male leans closer to his neck and Mini's struggles become more energetic- "Tyler! Stop! Please!" His voice breaks and his eyes start to burn with tears. He doesn't like this new discovery of his friend and he certainly doesn't want to be bitten. He's never bothered with vampire lore but what if it turns him into one?

He pauses, inches from his friend's neck. The pain of his wound hits him again and his grip on the Brit loosens enough for Mini to escape. The smaller male supports Tyler as they make their way to the bathroom. With a light blush on his face, he pulls Tyler's shirt off and does his best to clean all the blood away.

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