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"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality
Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me"

R U B Y / Y O U pov

Your alarm woke you up at 6:00pm.

You got out of bed turning it off. You got ready, putting on your favorite outfit(just imagine it). It fit you perfectly.

You walked downstairs to eat, where your dads were. You smiled sitting at the table as your dad put a plate of pancakes on the table.

You looked at your plate then at your dads. 'What's happening? Usually one of my dad's are asleep and I just eat cereal.' You thought.

"Woah. What's the special occasion?" You asked cutting a pancake.

"Well sweetie, your father here," your papa said pointing at your other dad, "is going to California for a better pay."

(It's confusing so 'dad' is the nurse dad, and 'papa' is the other one.)

You dropped your fork on your plate, "What?" You asked, "does that mean we have to move?"

"Possibly. Either that or you and your dad stay here. Without me." Your dad said sadly.

It hurt you to see your fathers so sad. You didn't want to be without your dad. But you sure as hell didn't want to move to California.

You couldn't leave it all behind. You couldn't leave your house. You couldn't leave your school. You couldn't leave your friends. You could not, leave Stan.

"Sweetie?" Your papa asked, "you okay?" He said squeezing your arm slightly.

"What? Oh yeah I just need time to think." Tears formed your eyes and you stood up, "I need to think about this!"

You ran upstairs letting the tears fall down your face. You thought about everything.

You had to stay here. Even if you chose that you were sure your papa would convince, beg, or force you to go with your dad.

You put your face in your people, crying loudly. You heard a knock at your door. You wiped your tears sitting up.

"Honey, do you want to stay home today?" Papa asked, standing outside your door.

"Yes, please." You said sadly.

"Okay. But only for today." Papa said walking away.

You laid back down and heard as your dads left for work. You stared at the ceiling.

-time skip-

You got up, and made a sandwich. You sat eating until there was a knock on the front door.

You cautiously looked out the window to see a shadow.

You slowly cracked the door open.

"Hello?" You said trying to look at the figure without opening the door fully.

"Ruby? Hey, where were you today?" Said the figure.

The voice sounded familiar. It sounded like Stan's. You were still cautious though.

"Who is it?" You asked.

Ruby {Stanley Uris }Where stories live. Discover now