Chapter Twenty Seven

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A year had passed.

The film was received with great fanfare. With raving reviews, it was a smash office hit. The romance was back in the air. The release of her newest book, Desire in the Desert was bigger than any other book released.

There was no more hiding behind her books. 

In fact, she was on the cover with her husband. Her favourite cover. 

In her London writer's room, the walls were donned with framed posters of her books. All her treasures from her parent's house were on display throughout the room, with a daybed, Persian rug, and a special corner for Sir Lancelot with its bed, toys, and special spot on the table, beside her, while she worked.

When he wasn't with her, the cat was with Sebastian, who cooked special meals for the cat. There was no tin food for her cat. Shihab complained the cat got better meals than him.

There were book signings and even reading with question and answers event organised. Shihab had business to deal with in town, so he drove her in, help set up; waited until she started then left her. 

Her confidence had grown in leaps and bounds.

There wasn't an empty seat in the room of London's Grandchester Hotel. 

After reading from the book, to give them a taste, they wanted more and more. She finished just before their night of passion. There was no way she was reading that. She reached for a glass of water for her dry and scratchy voice, closing the book. 

Everyone had a book under their chairs. 

The money from the event was going to charity, for mental illness.

Carla is still under medical care after trying to take her life twice. She had even sent death threats against her and Shihab. Andie had made Shihab promise he would stay away from her. He did, but she never really felt safe, even if under court order, not to be released from the institution that was more like a hotel than a hospital. 

All paid for by Shihab in memory of his mother and her best friend. Andie had suffered nightmares of the attack that had diminished over time. Shihab always calmed her down, to be taken into his arms, keeping her safe.

She looked across the room of ladies. Her readers, all clutching their books, asking their questions about her books, how she came up with ideas, and what inspired her. Andie gave a secret smile; she had the greatest inspiration of all and married her.

"Where is your husband?" She was asked.

"Last thing I knew, he was at a meeting. I do swear half of you came to perve on my hubby. Well, ladies, he is all mine! Oh," she gasped, fanning herself as a man in robes, headdress, and hands behind his back, strode in, looking very sheikh-like. 

Be still her beating heart. Then again, she preferred the first time they had met on her front doorstep, her knees went weak as they always did, noticing that the headdress was wrapped around his neck, not hooked back, the way she liked it, and wrote it, most didn't wear it in such a fashion in real life.

Then frowned. Did they have a meeting with his family, she had forgotten about it. He stopped off to the side, holding her gaze. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she went back to her audience, who were more interested in the fully robed man, who had entered. 

She knew her man anywhere, but by the concerned looks, they didn't.

Mischief made her turn to her robed husband. "Can I help you, Sheikh?" Never thought she would say that out loud before. There was a ripple of interest.

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