Lepisode 2

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Hey guys! Welcome to the second Lepisode

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Hey guys! Welcome to the second Lepisode.
Tonight we have a very special guest. Dramatically puts hand on chest someone very close to my heart. The first time I started reading her book I got hooked immediately. You know the most amazing thing about her? She's so popular, she has so many books, her book that I've read has 3million+ reads but she replies to comments 😭As a writer if you reply to comments even if it's just one comment then you have my heart. Officially.

So on a Wednesday I think, I sent her and three other popular writers a dm and she replied 😭 can you believe that?
And she's like so nice. I mean really really nice. She responds to her messages almost immediately. It amazes me honestly. For someone as popular as she is. Enough of the suspense guys. Let's welcome TaniHanes
Author of Pete and Daisy -which was my favourite book at the time I was reading it- and several other books.

Thank You for agreeing to do this interview!

I don't want to take much of your time so I will make the questions as short and direct as possible.

Lipsy: Tell us a little about yourself

Tani Hanes: My name is Tani Hanes, I'm 52, and I used to live in Central California. I moved to New York City about a year ago.

Lipsy: At what age did you start writing?

Tani Hanes: I've loved to write my whole life, but I published my first novel a year ago on Amazon.

Lipsy: What is the title of the first book you ever wrote and what inspired it?

Tani Hanes: It's called Living in the Shallows, and I wrote it to help my students and me get through One Direction's hiatus lol! I made a list of everything my students would want to read about, and tried to write about all of it, so I ended up writing a seven book series about a boy band and a girl who gets tossed into their midst through her job as an interpreter. And of course there's a love story!!

Lipsy: I understand that you're married. How many kids have you?

Tani Hanes: I have two kids, 26 and 21.

Lipsy: Would you like any of your child/children to follow your path and become a writer too?

Tani Hanes: Not unless they wanted to. It's not very lucrative, unless you're very, very lucky.

Lipsy: Apart from writing, what else do you have a passion for?

Tani Hanes: I like movies, and I like music, all kinds except country. I also really love children and animals, which shows in my writing, I think.

Lipsy: I've read your book Pete and Daisy. Pete is so perfect OMG. Is there a real life Pete somewhere? And how did you get the idea of the story?

Tani Hanes: Pete is based on a young man I met on a train once when I was 19! We only met the one time, for about six hours. He died a few years later, and I never saw him again. I got the idea for Pete and Daisy from living in a brownstone in New York City, and wanting to write about a couple who get married first and fall in love after. I wanted them to have the physical circumstances forced on them, and have to work with it and get to know each other.

Lipsy: What are some of the best books that you've read?

Tani Hanes: To Kill A Mockingbird, The Goldfinch, Lonesome Dove, and Lolita.

Lipsy: What made you agree to do this interview? I feel so honored cries Thank you

Tani Hanes: Why wouldn't I? I'm honored that you're interested in me, and I have the time...

Lipsy: When and how did you learn about wattpad?

Tani Hanes: I honestly don't remember where I heard about it.

Lipsy: How do you manage to write multiple books at the same time?

Tani Hanes: I don't actually do this lol! I've tried, and one of the books got put on hold pretty quickly. I'm doing a historical fiction about my grandma in conjunction with another one, which counts, I guess, but I'm updating that one very slowly, and it's based on a true story that's already been told to me, that I already have notes on, so it doesn't really count, does it? I can't really do two fictional stories at the same time, I've tried...

Lipsy: Do you prefer happy or sad endings in a novel?

Tani Hanes: I might prefer to read sad endings, but I only write HEAs, Happily Ever Afters! My readers like them best, I think. I might try a sad one one of these days, but I'll give fair warning, because all of my readers know I'm an HEA writer. It wouldn't be fair to just spring it on all of you, you know?

Lipsy: What are some challenges you've faced as a write and how have you overcome them?

Tani Hanes: Maybe anticipating the disapproval of my readers, and making sure to write what I want anyway. Sometimes I know you guys aren't going to like what I have a character do or experience, and I might be tempted to change something, and I need to make sure not to do that, to stay true to what I want to happen, not what I think you guys want to read...

Lipsy: A word of advice for new and upcoming writers

Tani Hanes: WRITE! Begin. Having finished crap is way better than having one paragraph of a masterpiece lol! Having ANYTHING finished is better than having ANYTHING unfinished, of any quality. Don't wait. For anything. It's like having kids. If you wait for the "best" time, you'll never do it. So just START.

Lipsy: As a child what did you want to do when you grew up?

Tani Hanes: I wanted to be a nun haha! I thought that all they did was sing and polish beautiful furniture! I watched The Sound of Music too many times...

Lipsy: What do you think makes a good story?

Tani Hanes: Interesting characters and good dialogue.

Lipsy: How many books have you written?

Tani Hanes: I have eight published in the real world on Amazon, and eight that are only on Wattpad.

Lipsy: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

Tani Hanes: I like to go to plays, and to concerts, and to movies.

Lipsy: Have you read any Nigerian book? If yes, how did you feel about the book?

Tani Hanes: No, I'm sorry, I haven't.

Lipsy: Do you have any suggestion to help me and other upcoming writers become better writers? If so, what are they?

Tani Hanes: This might sound a little odd, but try to mimic authors you like. Copy some of what you admire into a notebook and try to imitate them a bit. Not copy outright, but figure out what you like about what they've written, and try to emulate it. If you like how they describe something, try to do something similar, then see if you succeed. If you like the way they write dialogue, try to have your characters talk the same way, you know what I mean? And you must have a good grasp of basic grammar, spelling, punctuation, and typing. It cannot be avoided. No great painters ever got that way without spending thousands of hours learning basic pencil drawing, you know what I'm saying? All great classical pianists can play the hell out of their scales, and are good at their Hanon drills. Basics are always good to learn, always.

Lipsy: Once again thank you so much. I really I really appreciate. It means a lot

Tani Hanes: My pleasure!

Lipsy: So guys here you go. A very short one. For the Tani Hanes fans I hope this Lepisode made your night. And for those of you that haven't read Pete and Daisy I feel like you're missing out. The book is so nice no lie.
I'm a bit down so I don't really have anything mad or crazy to say. So bye guys. See you on the next Lepisode. Please please please vote and comment.

Also comment authors you want me to interview 😘 I will message and disturb them until they agree.

See you next week!

Who else thinks interactive sessions are better? 🤔

Happy New Years 🎉

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