Prologue: How It All Started

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   Somewhere in space, there was a kingdom, and in that kingdom there lived a lonely king named Stephen Lyfrejic. He was a lonely man with an ability to longevity, Super Strength and levitate. In the castle that rested on a hill floating away with a small town on another island that a had a bridge holding the two together for him to socialize, too talk too.

   King Lyfrejic was a man that the village called him: "Sad Wealthy Man" The village was something more festive and happy where everyone had a smile on their faces. Music, parties, celebrations and even feasts happened there. No one was down heavy or guilty, they were all satisfied that they were safe and protected from something more dangerous, cruel and far more deadly that could kill them all instantly.

   They were called The Soul Eaters. They were frightening, killer machines that appear like smoke. They're hard metal bodies that cling and smell with a scent of rotting blood and a burning aura. The scariest part is the bright red glowing eyes that shine on their targets or meal.

   The king ordered all of the guards to protect them from those monsters that nearly killed half of the village. King Lyfrejic was friends with a king that lives in a place where all Gods live which is Asgard.

   Odin Asgard. The king of Asgard lives in this land they call Heaven. Lyfrejic last visited the place 58 years ago and he only visits when they need some help. He stays in his room most of the days, not speaking and locking himself from the village until a speck of stardust fell softly on his balcony. Shining brightly and generating a beautiful woman in a white sheet dress, lying on his railing. The king saw this sleeping beauty as he got off his bed and walked over to the women where she slept peacefully on her back.

   Stephen got close enough to look at her looks and body figure. She was a goddess to him. The one thing that caught his attention was the bright blue jewel on her neck. Her eyes opened slowly to reveal gorgeous blue-purple eyes. The mysterious women blinked a couple of times and looked around when she landed her eyes on him and screamed, She backed away but only to fall down.

   The king was quick enough to catch her in his levitating energy wrapping around her. He held out his hands for her to grab as she reached out and he pulled her into his warm embrace.

   She calmed down looked up at him. "Whats your name?" He said smiling down at her. She thought of it for a second. "I think my names is Afrela Vulakson... I think?" She muttered.

   His eyes fluttered and his lonely heart warmed up. "Well, Afrela. My name is Stephen Lyfrejic. But you can call me Lyfrejic, Love." He moved the hair away from her face to show more of her soft white skin. She nodded.

   And with that. Each day they fell more and more in love with the passing second. He called her his "Luma" as she calls him her "Flame". When the days past. They were married and he decided to use her last name. He was now King Stephen Vulakson of the Slyinncatons.

   They ate with each other at breakfast, lunch, dinner and even at their bed. They're relationship brighten so many hearts and the king never locked himself, shut himself out of the world again. He finally let all his feelings out on her and loved her no matter what.

~ 194 Years Later ~

   The king and queen had a child. the child was a boy and they called him: "Slyinn Vill Vulakson" His eyes were like hers, bright blue, His hair colour was his fathers, blonde and he has his mothers skin colour. The was a grand celebration for the baby and 5 different kingdoms came to see. Asgard, Grefrekic, Holmifa Ves Bijisk, Krifrejic and Livifelat came to meet the special baby boy and grant him gifts. But one man came to the celebration that didn't belong in the galaxy or dimensions. He was a man that lived in a station out of the end of space where its all black and no stars lived there.

   His name was Professor Knox and he builds technology for the Nova Corps at the city of Xander. He builds two computers for him and their power was from stars. Sophia the Computer was for his searching, typing, service and friend. Athena the Program was the weapon for him to defend himself in case something or someone tries to attack him. Sophia is blue and Athena is Red and together will make the Kefriciwic Affect where they can stop the time in space but they're not strong enough to create that much energy.

   The king smiled where everyone talked and gave gifts for the boy and them. The Queen was talking to some fellows while the King looked at his son that looked up at him. The doors opened to the Great Hall where they are. Everyone looked at the front, including the king and queen.

   Professor Knox walked in with two girls following behind him. Athena and Sophia were tapping on their tablets and doing some feedback for the Nova Corps. "King Lyfrejic or should I say Vulakson. Who's the beauty? I've been missing a star I tried chasing but it died and only what's left was a Stardust. and now she's with you... Oh... Is that a child I see. A boy. My, My Stephen. You did well."

   Afrela looked unease while Stephen was trying not to go up to him and choke the hell out of him. "You are no welcome here, Edwin" King Vulakson said coldly towards his old friend.

   "Oh? well, I'm here now and I'm just gonna see the baby you have and give him a gift and be on my way." Knox said with a smile as he walked up the short slap steps. Professor Knox pulled out of his pocket and gave the baby boy a silver box that has a lot of things inside it. "I'm giving him my last Cube Shapeshifter"

   "You must not!" King Vulakson refused to let him give his son something powerful like that. "Sorry but it's now attractive to him. See you later, My king" He laughed and walked out. "Follow me girls" he muttered. "Yes Professor." They said in unison.

   Years past and the boy grew more and more androgynous and happier. The king took the Cube Shapeshifter from him and hid it somewhere in the castle where he won't find it.

   Slyinn grew up to be the happiest child. Stephen decided to take his boy to Asgard with him where he could do some work while his boy plays with Odin's two sons who they're names were Thor Odinson and Loki Odinson (Laufeyson). The three got along very well and played all sorts of games, like tag, hide & seek and some pranks on the servants. Slyinn was really sly on the servants when they were playing pranks on them. He would move the vases that were on the shelves and use his telekinesis to move it and make it fall down behind them.

   The time when his father came back. He told his son that they're leaving and Slyinn would hug his new friends and tell them a goodbye.

   Finally, Slyinn was 116 years old which is "teenage" age. he never had a real kiss beside his bedtime kisses by his mother Afrela.   Slyinn was not sure who might be his future kiss but he didn't think of it and kept it hidden in his mind. His father was always gone out for trips and work. Every time, before he leaves. He asks Slyinn to keep his mother happy and take care while he's gone. Of course, Slyinn says YES and does it he said. 

   His little journey will be soon adventured in the future. But he doesn't know that just yet.

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