하나: someday

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Shin-Hee's POV

I sat down on my chair, and wore my earphones, attempting to ignore the world even though there's no song playing. I just don't want them to talk to me, It's like my habit to do that. Actually, This is one of the main reasons why I do this habit. I do eavesdropping from my classmates without them noticing.

"I pity her, I saw Sungjae flirting with a girl from the other room again." One of my classmates said, probably talking about me.

"Yes, He even kissed the girl on the cheek. She's so desperate, Even though Sungjae repeatedly cheats on her, She still won't let go." I heard another one (probably her friend, Said)

My heart ached a bit. Yes, I'm used to it but my dumb heart still aches. I just pretended to sleep for them to not notice I heard them. I don't want to talk to anyone, except Sungjae and Minhyuk. But Minhyuk is in the other section so I dont have anyone to talk to.

A few minutes after, Sungjae entered the room and sat beside me without even greeting me. He acted like he doesn't even know me.

"Good Morning, Sungjae..." I greeted him with a smile.

"Yeah." He answered, and that's my cue telling me to stop talking, because he doesn't want to talk to me. I smiled faintly and hid my face again. He never fails to hurt me everyday. But seeing him everyday, seems enough for me.

We didn't break up like we seem to be, because I didn't agree. I told him I will let him flirt anyone, but he don't have to break up with me.

Now, I played music on my phone and started to calm myself again. It happens everyday, Almost a Routine.

Breaktime came, But he didn't even talk to me. He doesn't care about me, at all. It's okay.

Instead of going to the cafeteria, I've decided to go to our school garden, and in the corner where I always stay because it's quiet and no one even goes here. I sat there, Listening to my ear pods.

I was startled when someone pulled one of my earpods from my ear. But I wasn't shocked, I already know who did it.

"Ya! What's your problem again? Shibal." I groaned at Minhyuk but he just stick his tongue out at me.

He sat beside me and gave me a sandwich. He always does this, but his presence is enough to make me feel comfortable and safe.

"Don't you have anything more to do?" He asked me. "Why aren't you eating again?"

I just shook my head, saying no. I placed my head in his shoulders, and stared at the students who are walking —hand in hand. As usual, It was Sungjae and the girl he flirts.

Minhyuk tried to covered my eyes but he failed because I saw it earlier than he did. "I saw it already."

"Aish! Why don't you just break up with him?" He said to me again for the nth time. He says that everyday so I got used to it. I shrugged it off and hurried to finish my food.

After a long walk, I finally got home. I had many things to do, So I got home at 8pm. I also wanted to stay in a quiet place, all alone.

I opened the door, and here it goes again. Broken mirror, Shouting, and Fighting. I went straight to my room and locked it.

With my legs shaking, I sat in the corner of my dark room... The only light I can see is the light coming from the moon.

I curled myself in the corner and silently started to sob. I just wanted to talk to someone, but I'm scared.

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