Christmas shenanigans

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AN: A new take on The Night before Christmas and the shenanigans a set of neighbours can come up with. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all my readers!Enjoy!!!

Christmas shenanigans

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the lane

Not a creature was stirring, not even the neighbour's great Dane;

The lights were hung on the houses with care,

but only one house decided to remain bare;

The rascals were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of candy danced in their heads;

The neighbour reclining in his chair, And I in my cap,

Both settled down to enjoy a long day's nap,

It was Christmas eve and Dragons lane had been decorated with heavy snowfall. The white blanket shimmered in the glow of the Christmas lights on all the houses. Well almost all the houses. There was one house on the lane that did not have any decorations up. Old man Mildew's house stood bare amongst the twinkling lights.

Hiccup let out a yawn as he got ready for bed. He gave his black Great Dane, Toothless, a scratch before putting on pajamas and hopping into bed. Eret his neighbour fell asleep in his chair, while Mildew next to him had also gone to bed.

When outside on the roof there arose such a clatter,

I rushed from my bed to see what was the matter.

My eyes widened and I flew like a flash,

Threw open the door and I rushed forward in a dash.

The moon shone brightly on the fresh fallen snow

Illuminated the objects and the person below,

When, What to my wondering eyes should appear,

A sleigh, my neighbour, and eight mad reindeer,

It was late at night when a noise awoke Hiccup. He yawned and stretched before walking to his window to see what was the matter. His eyes widened comically upon seeing the scene. His neighbour in hysterics, a set of legs sticking out from the snow, a sleigh and eight mad reindeer glowering at the man. He grabbed his coat and hurried down, out the door and to his neighbour in record time.

"Oh Hiccup!" Eret shouted glad to see his neighbour. "You have to help me!"

With the driver, knocked out having fallen from the attic,

I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.

More rapid than ever, we neighbours emerged

Tried to wake old St. Nick as we converged.

Oh dear, oh my, we were in a panic,

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