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the soulmates have charms that correspond. They're either like puzzle pieces or they match.


   Jeremy sighed, nervously tugging on the hem of his navy blue suit. He turned 16 nearly a month ago. He had to attend the ceremony today. He received his charm today. Truth be told, he was slightly scared. He knew what the charm meant and how it worked, but he didn't know if he wanted it. He didnt know if he wanted a soulmate, in all honesty. Millions of questions raced through his mind, leaving footprints on his brain. He was snapped out of his train of thoughts by his bedroom door opening.

   "Michael! What's up?" Michael stepped inside of Jeremy's room and smiled at his fidgety best friend. Michael was wearing the same suit, only in a firey red instead of navy blue. He raised an eyebrow at his best friend and chuckled lightly.

   "You know whats up, Jer. Its almost time to go. The ceremony starts in 15 minutes. Are you excited?" Jeremy scoffed and ran a hand through his hair, walking towards Michael.

   "Why would I be excited, Mikey? This is stupid!"

   "Maybe you'll be Christineess soulmate..." Jeremy blushed a bright red and he tsked loudly. He grabbed Michael's hand and led the taller one downstairs, unaware that that one action left his best friend a fidgety and blushing mess.

   The rest of their friends were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Rich and Jake held each others hands and leaned on each other seeing as the two had gotten their charms the year before. Brooke and Chloe were talking in the corner, both dressed nicely in short blue and yellow dresses. Jenna stood off to the side, texting while absent mindedly chipping in the conversation.

   Then there was Christine. The short girl wore a long blush pink dress with her hair curled. Her makeup was simple, but natural. She smiled warmy at the two boys who rushed down the stairs. Jeremy looked at Christine with wide eyes.

   "Chrissy... You look amazing." Christine blushed, smoothing out her dress and tucking her hair behind her ear. She stuttered out a small thank you as the rest of the group gathered around. Jenna spoke up, smiling proudly at the small group.

   "Man, look at where we are. Look at where we started! We all hated each other except for Michael, Jeremy and Christine. Its a miracle we're friends. No matter what happens tonight, we're gonna stay that way." The group laughed and pitched in their agreement. Christine took a small step forward and began to talk as well.

   "I'm, normally I have more to say than this, but I just wanna let you all know I love you no matter what." When Christine uttered those words, Jeremy flished a bright red. He but his lip and glanced at the clock on the wall.

  "W-we should probably get going. The ceremony starts in ten." The group nodded and all funneled out the door towards the minivan that Jenna drove. They piled in, and Jeremy ended up sitting between Rich and Michael. Rich looked up at Jeremy and gave him a half smile.

   "Lookin good tall-ass." His lisp made the last word sound funny, but the compliment stuck with Jeremy nonetheless. He smiled at the smaller boy and turned to Michael.

   "Mikey, can I... Can I hold your hand? I'm really nervous..." Michael flushed a bright red, heat rising to his face. If it weren't for the dim lighting in the back of the van, the whole world would've been able to see it.

   "Yeah! Why not?" And with those words, the two intertwined their fingers. The two had brushed hands many times before, but this time Jeremy swore he felt something.

He could've sworn there was a spark.


Okay, not feeling v confident about this... Let me know what you think and if I should continue this? As for the charms, the soulmates have charms that correspond. They're either like puzzle pieces or they match.

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