Attracted to Secrets

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A/N: Quick side-note I'm going to be ignoring Misa Misa for the most part during the duration of this oneshot. Meaning she may be mentioned here and there but won't be a big character and won't in anyway be part of the plot. Besides that, enjoy!

~No one~

L Lawliet, also known as the greatest detective under the code-name "L," walked down the street towards one Light Yagami's home. Light was working on the task force with L to catch the serial killer known as "Kira," however he was also the biggest suspect in L's eyes. L was going to Light's home on this chilly Christmas eve night to confront him once again on whether or not he's Kira. L knows deep down he is but he doesn't want to admit it because, well, he loves the man named Light. L could never convict Light, and subsequently Kira, if it were true they were one in the same. Both Kira and L saw themselves as justice and Kira has had plenty of success keeping crime rates down to the point where L often finds himself wondering if they should be pursuing Kira. 

Reaching the Yagami household, L almost doesn't knock and turn away, but forces himself to. He had to get to the bottom of it whether he liked it or not. Knocking once, twice, three times, he hears the sound of movement coming from inside the cozy abode. It's Light's mother who opens the door. 

"Why, hello L. Are you here to talk to my husband?" She asked, quite curious why he'd stop by so late. 

"No, Mrs. Yagami. I'm actually here to have a chat with your son, Light." L said, almost nervously. 

"I'll go grab him for you. Please, come in, it must be freezing out there." L stepped into the hallway and stood there, a bit awkwardly as the woman went to go fetch her son. Light was just as confused as his mother had been as he followed her downstairs to where L was standing. He wouldn't admit it, but he was a bit nervous as to why L was there. He didn't want to have to hurt him if he had come to the conclusion yet again that he was indeed Kira. He didn't want to hurt him because, well, he was fond of L and, to an extent, loved him. He loved L far more than he could ever love Misa anyways. 

"Hello, L. Is this a private matter?" Light asked, with as much confidence as he could muster. L nodded to Light. Light gave his mother a reassuring smile and had L follow him up to his room so they could talk without interruptions. "Is this about the Kira case?" Light asked as he sat at his computer desk. "If it is, I'm sure my father would like to know."

"It is, but I'm not sure you'd want him to know what I have to say." L replied as he sat himself on Light's bed. "It's about my suspicions about you being Kira. Yes, I know I bring this up a lot but I'd like the cold truth this time. If you give me the honour of that, I won't hold it against you or anything. I'm sure if you are him, you have accomplices." 

"How do I know that, no matter what I tell you or how truthful I am, you won't just bring me in?" Light asked, cautiously. 

"If you are Kira and tell me who has helped you evade capture, I will only punish them. I won't even tell the rest of the task force what you have told me. As long as you lay low for a while, you should be fine." L didn't want to have to express his feelings for Light but he could tell it may be inevitable. 

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Light had to ask, but the way he asked it only implicated him more, this caused him to curse himself under his breath.

"Because I could tell your initial intentions were supposed to be good, Light. I honour that in a way..." L started, not quite sure if he should continue. Upon seeing Light still skeptical, he did continue. "I have something else I'd like to confess to you, Light Yagami..." L trailed off, unsure if this was the right way to do this.

"Okay, what is it?" Light was growing nervous and a tad impatient. He wanted to get L out of there quickly before he did something stupid in an act of desperation, which was something Kira was unfortunately known for when it threatened him.

L rose from Light's bed, stood by the door, ready for the rejection, and responded, "I love you, Light Yagami. If you are in fact Kira, I wouldn't be able to put you away because of that fact." L started headed for the door. It took Light a good minute to process what he had heard. Racing down the stairs and quickly grabbing his coat, he caught up to L down the street. Grabbing his wrist, Light forced L to turn around before kissing him on the lips. Just as Light has fantasized, L's lips were soft yet also cold from the chilly air. 

Pulling away, Light announced, "I love you too L." There wasn't anymore to be said really. Light led L back to his room and they slept next to each other on Light's bed. The next morning, Light's parent and sister were shocked to find them cuddled up like that but they were accepting of it. Light's mother was just proud that Light finally found someone he could be happy with rather than how miserable he was with Misa. After that, Kira became more discreet and less reckless when it came to killing but he was still known and feared by every wrong-doer. L and Light were still apart of the task force hunting Kira down but as you can guess, they were terrible at their day job and put not all that much effort into it. Apart from L, Misa, and everyone else who helped Light as Kira along the way, no one knew that Light was Kira because no one could put the pieces together. Quite ironic don't you think?

[The End]

A/N: As said in the description of this oneshot, if you'd like to see more LxLight fanfics or Death Note fanfics in general, let me know! I hope to get back on track after the chaoticness of the Holidays are over. Until then, have a wonderful holiday season yourselves!

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