Good Friends

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I waited on the staircase before the huge doors that lead into the great hall, like everyone else listening to the announcement Professor Mcgonagall was reading off of her scroll and when she left most of us first years either talked amongst themselves or started looking around at the interior of the school.

As for me... I was busy trying to look for Harry Potter, I heard everyone on the train talking about seeing him in his cart and buying the rest of the sweets and treats off the treats cart that old lady pushed around.
Ha... I mean the HARRY POTTER, the living legend was going to Hogwarts and would be in my grade-

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy" the boy who interrupted my thoughts and stood infront of everybody said stopping only because the snort that another boy did.
"Think my name is funny do you. No need to ask for yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe... you must be a Weasley. " Draco said looking down on the Weasley looking back at the boy who he was first talking to only to say.
"You'll soon find out that some Wizarding families are better then others Potter. You don't wanna go making friends with the wrong sort." He paused
"I can help you there." Draco said then continued to stick out his hand for the other boy to shake.

I stopped in realisation as his words finially processed throw my head. He just said Potter as in Harry Potter. Before I could do anything my attention was brought back to the convosation the boys were having.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for my self. Thanks." Harry Potter said shutting down Draco and before Draco could say anything else Professor Mcgonagall tapped him on the should with her scroll, making him look back at her then walking back into the crowd of first years.

Timed pasted and we were all standing infront of the Sorting Hat. The first person to be called up was Hermione Granger. She walked up the steps with a spring in her foot and sat down on a stoll that awaited, the hat was soon placed upon her hear
"Right then... right, okay." The hat mubbled out loud for everyone in the hall to hear then stopped
"GRIFFINDOR" the hat yelled and the Griffindor table cheered loudly.
A few other names were called and sorted into there houses. Victoria Knight" my name was called and before I knew it I walked up the steps to take my seat upon the stoll waiting for the hat to be put atop of my head so it could sort me into my house.
" Uhh... another Knight" the hat paused.
"Hmm... a kind heart but a minpulative mind oh and a good head between her shoulders." the hat paused again making making my heart race 100 beats per second.
"Slytherin" the hat say cooly and to my suprise the the Slytherin table clapped and cheered for me.
"Ha... well I didn't really think I was going to be put in another team" I thought to myself.
I walked to my table and sat down next to some first years that had been sorted before I was and waited for the next person to be sorted.

The sorting hat was pretty uneventful other than when Draco Malfoy sat down on the stoll and before the hat could touch his head, the hat yelled
"SLYTHERIN" and he jumped off the stoll walking down the steps towards the Slytherin table and sitting down next to two boys that were placed into Slytherin earlier.
The other time was when the sorting hat had trouble deciding weather or not Harry Potter would be placed in Griffindor or Slytherin but in the end was placed in Griffindor.

So the night went on and before I knew it the Slytherin Perfect was showing us first years were our dorms where. While we walked someone had tapped my right shoulder urgging me to turn around and once I did I came face to face with Draco Malfoy.
"So you are Victoria Knight" he stated while eyeing me up and down.
"My father does Business with your father. Mycheal Knight." He stated once again but this time with more of a smug expression.
"I think we have met before but let me reintroduce myself. I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy" he paused as if waiting for me to talk.
"Yes. I am Victoria Knight nice to meet you Sir Malfoy" I quietly said.
I could tell he was taken aback from my quiet voice and formal use of language but he tried to stay cool.
"Draco is fine" he said while regaining his composer from before.
"I think we should become good friends" he said.
"Yes, I would love that." I said quickly.
"Well then. This is Crabbe and this is Goyle." he said pointing at two boys who walked behind him.
"Hello, I'm Victoria. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances." I said smiling at both boys but in return all I recived were grunts, of what seemed liked approval.

Before our convosation could continue all the other first year Slytherins came to a halt stopping just before a large door in the dungeons.
" Okay. Listen here first years we change our password every week so don't forget to check out the notice board. This week's password is Pure Blood" the Slytherin Prefect that was in front of us said.
As we walked through the doors we enter into the Slytherin common room.
"This here is the common room" The Prefect said
"Boys your rooms are on the left and girls your rooms are to the right... you will find that all your luggage has be placed by your bed." He said.
"Oh and before you leave, the notice board is over there ." He said pointing towards a wall which hung the notice board then he walked away.

"Pansy Parkinson and your name" The girl call Pansy demanded me.
"Yes. Hello, I'm Victoria Knight. It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Parkinson. I said quietly like always.
"Hhugh. Are you a mute" she laughted
"My name is Victoria Lady Parkinson." I said louder then berfore.
"Hmm... I still can't hear anything." She said.
"TRACY, MILLICENT" she yelled out to her friends.
"Look at this mouse try to talk, it hilarious" she cackled and so fid the others that she had called earlier.
"Oh. Knock it off Pansy" a voice said.
"Your being a bully" the voice said again.
"I'm Daphne Greengrass. It's an absloute pleasure to meet you Victoria Knight." The voice said.
Only for me to see a girl stepping out to from beside the three girl that stood infront of me, having her and out as to shake. I graciously took her hand and shook.
"The pleasure is mine, Lady Greengrass." I said again quietly like always.

So all the character and some of the lines belong 2 J.K.R and i only own Victoria.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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