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When I woke up, I was disappointed to find an empty bed. Instantly, I missed his warmth around me. I could still feel the impression of his body, his very presence next to me, and the sense of his existence was overwhelming. Right now, I hated like anything for waking up without him. Last night had been the best night of my life. Being with him like this, talking in what felt like an intimate way, had made me realize how badly I had missed him in these past few days. That thought scared me to death.

"Urggh... stop thinking negative," I muttered to myself, "He also has feelings for you, and you felt it in his kiss, didn't you?" My mouth spread in a wide smile as I crawled out of my thin cotton-filled mattress. I grabbed one of my beautiful dresses and hurried into the bathroom, completing my morning routine in record time. I couldn't wait to see him again.

I had no idea where he could be, yet I couldn't stop myself from looking for him. Luckily, I found him in the hotel's lavish restaurant, sipping his coffee. Without thinking, I called his name and ran to him. His gaze turned to me, and his eyes lit up. He was smiling, a smile with a peculiar softness. He quickly stood when I approached, and my heart raced like ocean waves crashing against hard rock shores. I melted into his arms when he opened them for me.

"Good morning, sweetheart," his voice sounded like a sweet melody in my ears. His hand softly caressed my back, and I couldn't stop smiling like a fool.

"Good morning," I whispered into his chest, suddenly feeling shy with our open display of affection. He kissed the top of my head, and all worries fled my mind because I couldn't think. Who would have thought I could fall so hard for this Mr. Arrogant?

For some reason, something had changed between us after last night. There was no hiding it. I moved out of his embrace just to look up into his handsome face. We both gazed at each other at the same time, smiling from ear to ear. I didn't know how long we kept looking at each other until an angry fist flew towards him. Thank goodness it couldn't do any damage as Ryan dodged it just in time.

"What the hell?" Ryan, ready to fight back, stopped in his tracks when he realized who it was—none other than the devil himself, Mr. Rick Adam.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, bro?" Ryan asked, clenching his jaw, surprised by Rick's attack.

"Do you have the nerve to ask me what's wrong?" Rick raised his fist once again to attack Ryan, but this time I shoved him away from him. How dare he think to hurt my man? I knew Rick was a dangerous man, and you should never mess with him, but if he hurt Ryan, I swear to God I would kill him without remorse. I glared at the stunned Rick in fury, feeling his murderous gaze on me, making me shiver with fear.

"Oye, Rick, stay where you are and tell me what your problem is," I said, relieved when Rick shifted his gaze to Ryan. I knew they were friends, yet I couldn't trust Rick when he was so angry.

"My problem? Yeah, my problem is that you, moron, thought to kick Jen out of her room in the middle of the night, leaving her to freeze in the cold. What if I hadn't returned that night? What if I had stayed out all night? Do you have any idea what could have happened to her?" Now I understood what had pissed him off. I folded my arms and stared accusingly at Ryan. Rick was absolutely right.

"I thought I did you a favor, and instead of thanking me, you're getting violent on me," Ryan casually answered, shrugging his shoulders, and Rick's face darkened.

"Off course, I wanted to thank you ever since, unfortunately, I couldn't get my hands on you. But now you're in trouble." Both the guys were ready for war, and I couldn't let that happen.

"Ryan, I think you should apologize," I intervened to save his ass. Why couldn't he understand that he didn't stand a chance against Rick?

"What for?" Rick groaned angrily at Ryan's stupidity.

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