Chapter 1 - The First Step

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"Shoot!" I screamed as I hid behind the large, dirty wall, next to the alley I just ran out of. I was mostly out of breath, adrenaline still pumping through my body as I tried to calm down. Oddly enough there still was a huge smile on my face.

"Marcus, are you fucking insane?" I laughed at my partner, Alicia Reynolds. She had long black hair, which she had placed in a ponytail at this moment, and light brown eyes which looked like fresh wood, just cut out of a tree, She stood next to me as she held a revolver in her hands, rolling her eyes at me as she checked if we were still getting followed. "You think, you damn think, it is a good idea to just approach them and shoot a member like that?" I laughed even louder, shrugging as I put my own handgun back in my pocket.

"At least they know we are serious now."

"At least they know our faces, you mean!"

I chuckled and shrugged once again, standing straight as I glanced at Alicia, who had her eyes focused on the alley. "I am not dumb, Alicia, I know what I'm doing. Seeing their reaction, they are a close gang. By approaching them and hurting one critical member, they will most likely follow us."

"And that helps, because?"

I sighed because of her ignorance, a chuckle still hearable in my voice. "And that helps, because?" She repeated, but a few moments after the policemen arrived. "So I called the cops." I grinned, as then the gang members ran out of the alley, ready to attack us. Sadly for them, the officers had already pointed out their guns, yelling: "Freeze!"

I smirked at Alicia, who was shaking her head with a smile on her face. "Explain yourself next time."


She chuckled as we both made our way towards the Commissioner, who was leading the mission. "Good job, Johnson! How did you know they would come after you?" He praised me, a flow of pride going through my skin. Alicia shook her head in disgust, in a sort of positive way though. "Ah... Can't claim all the credits though. Alicia was a great helper," I answered, patting Alicia's shoulder as I grinned widely.

"Helper?" She huffed, which caused me to laugh. "I also need to give some credits to my gun and-"

"Do I get some credits as well, sir?" A soft and kind sound was hearable from my watch, a face popping up onto the screen. The face looked like a cartoon: A bright smile, puffy cheeks, curly hair and a small nose. "Lai, don't show up as long I don't call you, okay?" A huff was heard from the watch, followed by a soft snicker of me. "What is that?" The head officer asked me, my attention falling on him again as Lai disappeared from the screen. "Oh, nothing really. Just something," I said nonchalantly, glancing away. "Well, I am glad me and my partner could help, send any further information so I can work it out into a file. If you need me, just call." I smiled and turned away, pulling Alicia with me as we left the scene.

We stepped into our car which was parked a few blocks away, Alicia behind the wheel and me on the passenger's seat. "What is it, Marcus? You are looking so difficult." She shot that question at me as soon as we entered the car; she had been waiting to ask me probably. I raised my eyebrow and stared at her, putting on my seatbelt as I got comfortable in the car. "What do you mean?"

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