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"You pulled a gun on a fucking pastor?" Harry cackles from his position on the carpeted floor as Liam explains why Nina hasn't spoken to him in three days.

"I thought he knocked her out or something." Liam explains himself while eating his pancakes. "That's why I called you over, to get her to talk to me."

"Hi Big Papa." Nina smiles coming into the room and hugging Harry. He hugs her back, trying not to concentrate on what little clothing she had on. A bra, some silky pajama shorts and fluffy slippers. Every since they got married Liam wanted the other guys to move out, all close, but still gone.

"How you doin?" Harry asks as she sits on the couch.

"I'm fine. Excommunicated from the church, but I'm fine." Nina glances at Liam harshly before returning her loving smile at Harry.

"What?" Harry laughs.

"Oh Liam didn't tell you? The pastor was praying over me and I passed out. And this dumb bitch pulled a fucking gun." Her voice raises and her and Liam both stand up at the same time. They get chest to chest, well, chest to torso and start screaming at each other.

"I thought you were hurt!" He defends himself and she shoves his chest.

"You are unbelievably retarded." She shakes her head and walks away from him but he grabs her arm.

Harry stands against the wall watching the interaction in amazement until Liam snatches her back and she falls down trying to fight him. They wrestle each other and Harry steps in as they get violent, slapping and punching each other.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Harry screams pulling Liam off of Nina. "She's a lady." He pushes Liam away from her and inspects her.

"You good?" Harry asks as she wipes the blood away from her mouth.

"I'm perfect." She spits blood on the rug. "You're a pussy." She tells Liam pulling her hair into a bun.

"You comin at me again? I'll whoop your little ass." Liam threatens and Harry grabs Nina.

"Get the fuck off of me." She shoves him and walks towards Liam. They start fighting again and Harry pulls out his gun, shooting up at the ceiling.

"Both of you sit the fuck down." Harry screams and Nina falls on her ass. Liam walks over, touching the scratch on his cheek before sitting on the couch. "You two are sick-"

"I got my vaccinations in Sept-"

"Shut the fuck up with your smart mouth." Liam interrupts her.

"Don't tell me what to do Chris."

"Chris?" Harry asks.

"Brown, the woman beater." Nina smirks in success.

"We fight. I don't beat you." Liam rolls his eyes. "I could if I wanted too but I don't."

"Are you proud man?" Harry huffs grabbing her face in his hands.

"My face is fine." Nina pulls away.

"Jesus Christ." Harry glances back at Liam. "Where are you going?" He diverts his attention back to Nina who's limping.

"Your house." She tells Harry.

"I don't want to come in between the two of you-" Harry starts but Liam quickly interrupts him.

"Take her." Liam waves his hands while checking out his busted lip in the mirror. "I can't stand to fucking look at her right now."

"Nice house." Nina compliments, knowing full and well she decorated each of the boys' houses from top to bottom.

"Thanks." Harry puts her night bag on the couch.

"I'm going to go shower." Nina says opening the bag.

"Okay." Harry agrees even though she wasn't asking, she was telling. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight."

"Don't be silly. I'll sleep down here, sleep in your bed." Nina says grabbing her facial cleanser before proceeding up the stairs.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." He says, sleepiness dragging his body down. He pulls his clothes off before getting in the bed and closing his eyes.

Nina sticks her head into his room slowly. Her naked body is still wet as she walks into his room, closing the door behind her. "Harry." She mumbles touching his shoulder. His snores get louder and he turns the opposite direction of her. She climbs on top of him before punching his chest. He sits up quickly, eyes wide before noticing her naked body.

"Nina what-"

"I need a towel." She stresses and gets off of him. He stares at her in shock before pointing towards the drawer across the room. She bends over and Harry almost loses his mind.

"Not that one." He shakes his head rubbing his eyes.

"Thanks." She smiles wrapping herself in the towel before leaving the room. She comes back in a few minutes later in a short night gown. "Wanna watch a movie?" She asks.

"I'm really tired Nin." He sighs, if she even so much as moved the sheets his hard on would be exposed.

"Wanna fuck?" She offers.

"What?" He snaps his head towards her.

"I was just asking." She raises her hand in defense before getting under the covers and cuddling into Harry's side. "I'm glad I have you Harry. I want you to know I love and appreciate you."

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