Chapter 3- Their Pasts

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"Alright, so here's some basic history you all should know going into battles." Meliodas said, sitting in a chair. Around him were King, Ban, Diane, King Baltra, Gilthunder, Lily, and Merlin. She was called there from Camelot as soon as Marian left. "When I was growing up, Marian was a servant of sorts to my family, but she was more like an older sister than anything. When I was born she was about.. 5, I think."

"She trained me in the basics of swordplay, until I went on to a different Master. When my mother passed, she was extremely supportive of me and helped me with all the emotions I went through." He said as he recalled on his past.


Marian leaned against a wall in the shadows. She stared at the gem in her hands with a bored expression. "Are you ready yet?" She glared up at a man in the clearing.

"I believe so."

"Hurry up, they'll pinpoint our location soon." She said dryly. Marian pulled the silver chain from beneath her shirt and threw the crystal on the ground, breaking it. Light poured out from the crack and slowly materialized into Elizabeth. Marian forcefully grabbed her arm and cut it with a dagger, dabbing it with a cloth. Elizabeth whimpered in pain as the once gray cloth turned blood red. "Here." She held the cloth out to the man, who handed it to another man.

Marian grabbed Elizabeth's arm and dragged her to the opposite end of the ravine, followed by the first man. The second one began a ritual as a strong light filled the area.

Marian and the man disappeared just before the light touched them, leaving Elizabeth to be consumed by the light.

The amount of power radiating from the center of the life was suffocating and could be felt for miles, no doubt.

As Marian looked down on the spell, her thoughts wondered back to her past.


"Melmel! Look at this flower crown I made for you!" A little girl in a purple dress ran up to a little boy, considerably younger than her.

"Hm?" He said as he turned around to look at the girl. She plopped a flower crown atop his golden hair. He took the crown off and looked at the dark purple flowers and even darker stems that had dull thorns.

"I even dulled the thorns down so they wouldn't hurt you when you wore it!" She said, smiling. She had her own identical crown, made especially to fit her head.

"Thanks! I'll wear it all day." He returned the smile as he put it back on his head.

"Promise?" She asked.



The girl was holding the boy in her arms as he cried, even she shed a tear. "Where did mama go?" He asked as he clutched onto her dress.

She gently patted head as he wailed. "Somewhere... where she's happier, and free from war and men." She said to the 9 year old hugging her.


"Shhh... no buts. It's time for bed. Daddy won't go easy on you tomorrow, get your rest."

"Will you read me a bedtime story?"

"Sure, Melmel. What shall I read?"


"Meliodas!" A girl with silver hair in a tight bun atop her head ran to a boy a little younger than her. Meliodas stopped and turned around as style girl caught up. "You just left in the middle of training! What the hell, man!" She said, panting.

He shrugged and continued walking. "Melmel?" She asked as she matched paces with him.

"Don't call me that." He said, not looking at her.

"Why? You used to love that nickname when we were kids!" She grinned.

"Well, I'm not a kid anymore!" He said as he walked faster. Realizing she had struck a nerve, she grunted and turned down a hall, away from Meliodas.


"Sir, can I speak with you?" The girl peeped her head into a dark room. It was pitch black, but she seemed confident of where she was and who she was talking to. "I need to talk to you about Lord Meliodas.. and his training." A few moments later she said something again, although no one said anything in response.

"With all due respect, an 11 year old shouldn't be pushed and hurt in training and forced into war meetings! He should playing with his brothers, having fun!" She ranted, then stopped herself and regained her calm composure. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for... yes, I understand. But Meliodas and the others.. I.. yes of course. I'll take my leave now." She took a bow and turned, closing the door of the room as she left.


"What do you mean you're leaving?!" It was the same girl, but her hair was in a long ponytail rather than a bun. She was infuriated by something the other person had said to her.

"Exactly what I said. I'm leaving the clan." He said

"B-but if you leave, you can't come back! Why would you even want to leave in the first place? You're going to be the next King, that's a one in a lifetime deal." She tried to persuade him to stay, clearly desperate.

"Do you want to be queen?" He asked abruptly. This question took her aback.

After a few moments, she responded with "you know I can't be queen.." she sighed.

"Then come with me. I know some people who will help us.. fit in." He said, offering a hand to her. "So what do ya say?"

"I-I..." she stared at his hand as she hesitantly shook it. "Alright... when do we leave?" She said shakily.



His face,

And then darkness.

Marian opened her eyes to someone tapping her shoulder. "What?" She groaned, turning to the man. "They're here." He said as he jumped down into the ravine. She jumped in after him, landing in front of the horrified Elizabeth and the injured Hendrickson. She wasn't concerned about them, though. The only thing she seemed to care about was 10 figures forming in the middle of the space.

She walked towards them with a blank expression and kneeled down in front of the one in front. She took their hand and gently kissed their knuckles. "Lord Zeldris..." She said as she drew her mouth away, cloak covering everything but her long, silver hair tumbling over her shoulders and down her back. "It's a pleasure to serve you again."

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