chapter 1 another loss

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No pov

"Charizard use blast burn full power" Alain shouted "Greninja use water shuriken let's go!!!!!" Ash shouted. Both attacks hit there target creating a massive smokecloud covering the whole Battlefield as the smokecloud slowly disappeard you could see 2 Pokémon standing staring at eachother moments later Greninja gave a sad smile and fainted. "GRENINJA FAINTED ASH KETCHUM HAS NO MORE POKÉMON LEFT MEANING THAT ALAIN AND CHARIZARD ARE THE WINNERS!!!!" The referee shouted
The whole crowd was rooting for Alain and his charizard

Clemont POV
"I can't believe that idiot lost again how Many Times does this weakling plan on lossing a League" Bonnie screamed "how did i Fall in love with Ash he is weak and A dense idiot" Serena said
"I Will tell the others about his sixth loss"

With Ash an hour later

"Let's go home Pikachu" 'whatever' said An annoyed Pikachu "come on Pikachu we Will win the next League that's in alola we might even become champions of the alola region" 'in your dreams ash' said Pikachu once again in An annoyed tone

Pallet town (no POV)

"MOM I'M HOME" Ash shouted 'no response? Weird' Ash tought "umm hel-" "ASH KETCHUM GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" a voice screamed. Ash followed the voice and walked into his room seeing all his Pokémon friends and Rivals, Ash was surprised by this 'how the fuck do they all fit in this Tiny ass room?' Ash tought 'and why are they here anyway?' "soooooooooo why are yo-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP KETCHUM" screamed misty almost turning everyone deaf "Ash you should give up on your dream to be a Pokémon master you can't win a League" ashs mother delia said. Ash felt like he got hit by pikachus volt tackle "y-you aren't serious right mom?" "She is Ash, you're weak you don't evolve your Pokémon" Brock told him. Ash was heartbroken by this, he looked at his Pokémon most of Them where glaring at him even pikachu did as he now was on maxs shoulder the only ones who gave him a friendly look were noivern and Greninja, the others were trowing insults at him like "weak" "idiot" "dense" "pathetic" "weakling" "ketchup" Ash Fell to the ground sad and heartbroken that his Pokémon and so-called Friends did this noivern and Greninja tried to comfort him, as Ash was crying he noivern and Greninja didn't notice that the others were commanding there Pokémon to fire there strongest attack at the three but Just before they got hit the three were teleported away from ashs home "where are those 3 idiots?" May asked "they probably disinigrated (is that right?) When the attacks hit them" clemont explained "seems legit" max said suddenly everyone started laughing like a madman or woman

Meanwhile to where Ash noivern and Greninja were teleported (Ashs POV)

'Where are we ash?' Greninja asked me "to be honest i have no Idea" 'we should look around maybe that could help is see where we are' noivern suggested "good Idea let's go"

An hour later (no POV)

'um Ash isn't that the arceus symbol on that door?' noivern asked ash "holy shit that is the arceus symbol" Ash confirmed 'then why is it on this door' Greninja "i don't know but let's find out, noivern Boomburst on that door" Ash shouted 'NOIIII' "oops that was little overkill" said ash 'no shit Sherlock the door is off the fucking henges' ( is that right?) Greninja said "Who is Sherlock?" Ash asked 'i don't know' said noivern 'WHO THE FUCK BLEW UP THE MEETING ROOM' a voice boomed "oh shit that was arceus" Ash shrieked like a scared skitty 'shit shit shit shit' ash tought 'this isn't good' "ummmmmmmm we d-" but before he could finish he was tackled to the ground by a red and White blur 'AAAAAASSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!' "LATIAS" Ash screamed with a slight blush 'ash how have you been doing the last year' zekrom asked "i have been doing good until recently" Ash responded 'why is that' giratina asked "my mother, most of my Pokémon, all my friends and all of my Rivals betrayed me" Ash explained close to tears seeing this latias, zekrom, giratina, yveltal and genesect hugged him 'if i Come a cross those bastards i Will techno blast Them until they are dead' genesect claimed 'ahem' arceus cleared his troath "oh yes arceus is there anything you need?" Ash asked 'this is probably not the best time to say this because of your recent betrayel but me and the other legendarish and mythicals decided to get rid of your title as the chosen one' "'WHAT THE FUCK"' screamed ash, noivern, Greninja, latias, zekrom, giratina, yveltal and genesect they were shocked that arceus and the others would do this to ash after what happend a couple hours ago "WHY?! IS RISKING MY FUCKING LIFE TO SAVE YOURS NOT ENOUGH?!" Ash screamed angry that they are also betraying (is that right?) him Ash also started to glow blue that got brighter every second 'wow he has aura he is even beter then he already was' tought latias as she begun daydreaming about Ash but before a fights could break out between The two groups Ashs remaining allies were again teleported away from the injuries they could have got from the fight 'where are we now?' noivern asked 'you are on mt. Sliver' a voice spoke 'mew and mewtwo why are you here aren't you two suppose te be with the others?!' and angry zekrom asked "zekrom calm down they Weren't there with the others" Ash reasured zekrom 'in fact we disagree with arceus dission we would love IT if you Will be our chosen one Ash' mew said trying to cheer him up "really?!" Ash asked excited to have his title back even if it only was for some pokemon or people 'yeah we would also love to be your Pokémon' yveltal said hoping that Ash would agree Ash was shocked but also excited to have new pokemon 'yeah we could train even more and harder then normal maybe we could unlock our second or tirth ability' latias said excited to train with her longtime crush "wait second and tirth abilities?!" Ash asked 'you don't know about Them?' genesect asked ash "no i never heard about Them, how do you get those second and tirth ability?" Ash asked 'i believe you get your second ability at lvl 200 and your tirth at lvl 300' Greninja explained "wow that's awesome" ask said jumping around excited to train his Pokémon once again this time with a new flavor

My First book on Wattpad *does a victory dance* hope you enjoyed IT give Any feedback if you want
Question: do i need to make the chapters longer or shorter? also if you want Ash to have a pokemon you like, comment on this chapter with the moves (up to 10) and the abilities this Pokémon has of course these abilities and moves can be hacked if you prefer that

Warning: the next chapters might seem rushed or have bad grammar/words switched around english isn't my first language

See you around -red

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