Chapter 6

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I woke up with the sun shining through my bedroom window. I don't even remember falling asleep. I got up and jumped in the shower. I dried my hair and put on some make-up. I changed my clothes, but threw my robe on as I headed downstairs. There was no sign of Oliver. I opened my fridge and realized I didn't have anything for breakfast. I really should make something for him. I grabbed my bag and threw my robe into the laundry room on my way to the door. I stopped at the hallway mirror to make sure I looked publicly acceptable. I couldn’t help glancing towards the guest room. I don't want to knock and wake him up, but I want to make sure he's asleep before I go to the store. No, Stella. You are not invading his privacy. But, it is my apartment. No. I'll go to the store. He'll figure it out. Oh, I’ll leave a note! 

I grabbed a sheet of paper from my printer and wrote out, "Morning! I ran to grab some food for breakfast. I'll be right back! -Stella" Perfect. I left it on the counter in the kitchen. Surely he'll see it. I made my way out the door, making sure to lock it behind me, and walked down the street to the shop. I don't even remember seeing what time it was, but there were a few people out and about. Still no puppies though. I grabbed some eggs, bacon, and bread. On my way back to the flat, I saw Oliver in the distance. He was standing outside on the sidewalk looking down at the snow. I was about halfway there when he turned and acknowledged me. Was he mad? Maybe he didn't see my note. When I was finally close enough to make out his facial expression, he did look frustrated. He turned to me and threw his hands up in the air. 

"Really, Stella, why would you leave?“ 

"I left you a note on the counter." I guess I looked upset, because Oliver immediately embraced me. 

"I know, but why would you go after seeing this? I went ahead and called the guys. They should be here soon.” 

I pulled away and looked over his shoulder and saw what he was talking about. Someone had written “Stay Away" in the snow in my front lawn. I dropped my groceries. This means that someone watched me leave so they could write this message. 

"I–I didn't know. Someone must have done this after I left." 

"Are you sure you just didn't miss it on your way out?" 

"Right, because it sounds like me to just miss writing in the snow outside my flat!" 

I could see in his eyes that he believed me as he gave me a small nod, and before I realized what was happening he had picked up the groceries and led me inside. He locked the door and went down the hall. I stood for a second trying to wrap my mind around the message outside of my house. Do they want me to stay away from my house? Or do they want people to stay away from me? I walked down the hallway and smiled when I saw Oliver putting away the groceries. I noticed he was putting the eggs and bacon in the fridge so I quickly grabbed them out of his hands and yelled, “Wait!” 

He tensed up and looked around, “What it it?!” 

I laughed and then immediately felt terrible. He’s so jumpy. “I just need these to make breakfast.” I backed away as he let out a sigh of relief. “Really, Stella?” I saw a smirk appear on his face and decided to make a run for it. I ran up my stairs hearing Oliver laugh behind me. I made it to the top and ran into my bedroom and slammed my door bracing myself to push against it so Oliver couldn’t come in. Except, I didn’t hear Oliver at all. This isn’t good. I cracked open the door waiting for him to jump out and scare me, but he didn’t. Maybe he went back downstairs? I poked my head out into the hall, but he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe the guys knocked on the door and I didn’t hear it. I walked out into the hallway when Oliver jumped out of the hall closet and screamed. I jumped and almost fell down the stairs, but Oliver grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. “Oliver, put me down!” 

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