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Papers... papers... papers... papers everywhere. My table is full of stacks of papers, even the floor have stacks of paper on it. This is quite a busy day for me.

I have lots of papers to sign and read. I also have lots of meeting to attend to for this day.

"Miss. It's almost time for your meeting with the board of directors." Janice, my secretary standing by the door told me.

"Yes, yes. Of course. Thank you, Janice." I told her and smiled while readying my things for the meeting.


"Ma'am, I suggest that we should pull out some of our workers in the new condominium that is being built." Mr. Garcia said

"Again. I will not agree with your decision. If we pull out some workers, the building's process will slow down, and we will not meet our deadline!" I said a little irritated.

"But the building is almost finished, I'm sure we can meet the deadline. Also, fewer workers fewer expenses." He insisted more, and some even agreed.

"Listen, all of you! I don't care what you say! I am the boss! What I say will be followed! You don't even know what will happen to those workers who will lose their jobs! So shut up, and follow what I say! Meeting adjourned!!" I said with a very annoyed voice. That was their cue to go out before they annoy me more.

Gosh, these idiots don't even listen to me. It's because they are too engrossed with money that they forget about the people.

I stayed in my chair and massaged my head because those men gave me headaches.

"Janice, what's my next schedule". I asked my secretary

"Contract signing for buying the Elite Modelling Agency."

"Oh that. Let's go then." I said and stand up.



"This is life!" I said as I stretched out my arms while admiring the view.

"This is life!" I said as I stretched out my arms while admiring the view

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I am currently in my haven. The place where I always want to be every time I need to think or simply relax.

This was our haven. This was our gift to each other for our anniversary. We both worked hard to buy this beach house because we planned to live here when we get married. But I don't think that's gonna happen now. 

Enough with this sad thoughts. I shouldn't be even thinking about this, I'm here to relax and not to mourn. 

I walked through the kitchen and made myself some breakfast since it is still 9 in the morning.

After eating my breakfast and washing my dishes so I decided to walk around the beach.

I stopped at the swing between two coconuts and laid there.

"I will never get tired of this view." I said and drifted off to sleep.

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