Zayn, the model

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[A/N]: Dedicated this one to Lukelemonade because I her book "Dumb Fanfic Moments" gave me some nice ideas (: X.


"Just a few more and then we're done for today!" the photographer said. I nodded and followed his instructions.

"Now, move your head like that... Yeah, great! Hold it..."


"Alright Zayn, move your lips a bit closer to her skin and Gwen, don't be so tense! Zayn might look like a bad boy but he wont bite."


I tried to hold Gwendolyn as carefully as possible while at the same time grasping her body firmly enough so Mike could get the picture right. And so that I wouldn't drop her, of course.

"Yes, yes! Ab-so-lutely yes! Don't you guys dare move, I'm sure that this is it..." Mike suddenly said.


Mike nodded. He was satisfied. Gwen and I returned to a normal standing position. "See you later?" I asked her. When would I finally get the courage to ask her out? Why didn't I yet?

"Probably not," Gwen said while giving me a once over.

Oh, right. She was a total bitch.

"Great job guys, this is going on the billboards!" Mike said as we walked away.


"Sh*t!" Harry yelled as he spilled most of his coffee. Damn, he had really been looking forward to drink something warm. And he could also use the caffeine boost. Sighing, he decided that he didn't have time nor the money to buy something new. He drank whatever was left in his cup and then threw it in the bin next to Dunkin Donuts while taking a bite his donut. It wasn't the most healthy breakfast, but oh well.

The streets of London were buzzing with people, even though it was only eight in the morning and zero degrees. Harry quickly picked up his pace again. He couldn't afford it to be late, Michael would lynch him.

If you would've told him this a year ago he'd never believe it if you said he'd work as a journalist, but here he was, on his way to the office. Harry wasn't completely sure if this was what he really wanted in life, but it's not like he really had a choice. His apartment was expensive, and he didn't have the time to find another place or look for another job. Right now he was working on this article about the European government, and what the general British opinion was on this matter.

It bored him to the max.

Quickly he ran down the stairs to get to the tube, getting his oyster card ready so he could walk trough immediately. He ran down the other stairs, went left and cursed again. The tube just left, leaving him there. Behind him another guy came running down the stairs as well.

"'It's no use, mate. Already left," Harry told him. The boy grunted and ruffled a hand trough his hair.

"That's the third time this week," he muttered. "Hey, they changed the add again."

Harry followed the boys gaze and saw a perfume ad where a guy with a big black quiff was kissing the neck of a girl.

"Why do they always make perfume ads so erotic?" The other boy chuckled and Harry flushed. He hadn't meant to say that out loud.


"What's your name, curly?" Louis asked the boy he was talking to. Why are you talking to him Louis? What happened to 'London is a sh*hole and I hate everyone that's in it'? He ignored his thoughts. The guy seemed nice enough. Besides, just talking to him wouldn't hurt, right?

Zayn, the ModelWhere stories live. Discover now