Liam, the Family Man

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I saw a guy walk this morning, two little girls next to him. He was holding each of them by the hand and I think he was bringing them to school.

I thought it was adorable for him to have two daughters, but he seemed so young. It made me wonder. Were they planned? Were the girls twins or did he and his girlfriend really choose for two children? He couldn't be any older than twenty five, and I thought the girls were five or six years old maybe.

Now I think about it, he did have a ring on his finger, didn't he? So he probably did plan the kids. Or not, who knows. I was a bit late for my appointment so I didn't get a chance to really look at him.

As I crossed the street, I saw the man greet another person. I guess that building was a school. Wait, of course it was, it had a playground and everything, I remember a set of swings. The man he was talking to was probably a teacher there or whatever.

Now I was opening the door and entered the big office building a couple of blocks away from the school and the people I saw this morning. Strange, how life can go. I might not ever meet them again. A woman was seated behind a desk. Maybe I'm not meant to meet them. Maybe meeting them would've happened to me in another life.

"May I help you?" she asked kindly.

"Yes please," I said. "I'd like to see mister Johnson? I'm supposed to meet him here for my job application." The woman nodded.

"Whats your name?"

"Horan. Niall Horan." I chuckled softly when I noticed I had introduced myself the Bond way. "And what is your name, love?" Oh, was that a blush I saw on her cheeks? I grinned. I was so smooth.

"Miranda, nice to meet you Niall," she said, glancing at me but quickly looking back at her computer again. "Good luck, I hope you get the job."

"I hope so too. It'd be a shame if I didn't see your pretty face anymore." I winked.

Miranda's cheeks coloured even more as she told me which way I had to go. "First you go to the left, then up the stairs. It's the last door on your right."

"Thanks, love."

"Good luck," she said again. I smiled at her and turned around. Here goes nothing.


"Come on Layla, you can't be late for school yet again," I told my oldest daughter. She mumbled something and closed her eyes firmly against the sharp light.

"Rose, get in here! Your sister wont wake up!" I yelled. My second daughter skipped in the room, her hair already up in a ponytail and her colourfull dress fluttering around her.

She looked at me with big eyes. "Go right ahead." I motioned towards the huddle of blankets on the bed.

That was all she needed to hear. She climbed on Layla's bed and started to shake her sister violently. "Waakeee uuuuup!" she said loudly in her ear.

"Roooose! Go away!" Layla said, annoyed. I chuckled and felt two small hands circle my waist.

"Only five and six years old, but already you can see what kind of teenagers they will be," my lovely fiancé said. I laughed and nodded. By now Rose had stopped jumping and decided it was a better idea to just grab the glass of water standing on the night stand and emptying it on Layla's head.

"I'm awake, I'm getting up!" The latter now said while jumping out of bed. She shook her head like a dog and got all of us wet in the process.

"Layla," I laughed. Layla just looked at me and grinned.

"Yes dad?" I just shook my head at her. She sure was a handful.

"Come on honey, lets get something to eat for the both of you. Layla we don't have much time left so I'll just do your hair during breakfast," my wife said. Almost wife.

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