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These past few days, Blue hadn't left his room. Day after day, he was always in there doing nothing as far as Red knew. At first, Red had ignored it, thinking Blue's just being a "lazy ass" as he said. But now, after a week of not really seeing him, the chances he did was at 3 am when Blue was up getting something real quick only to retreat to his room immediantly, he got worried.
He realized when he did see him, Blue was always very tired and slow. Meaning he wasn't getting a lot of sleep. He didn't seem to be eating at all either, as he never saw him come out to get something to eat, or heard him call to order take out or delivery. He thought Blue had some thing of food in his room, but he was unsure. Blue was so quiet, he didn't speak to Red the times they did 'meet' face to face in the kitchen, and there was never a noise that came from Blues room.
It sorta scared him, as Blue was never this quiet and introverted. He'd never seen Blue, or anyone like this. He didn't understand it. Was there a reason he was like this? As far as he knew, Blue didn't have a reason to be sad. Everything was the same as it was the month before, nothing has came up or anything. So, what was wrong with him?

Later that day, or basically a few hours of him in bed thinking about what to do later, Red had came up with an idea. A note system, a way to make Blue hopefully communicate with him. He would slide notes under the door, and hopefully they'd have conversation that way.
He quickly got up from his bed, and skipped through the mess he had made of old pizza boxes and other trash, making it to a desk nearby. Grabbing a new thing of notebook paper sitting there, he took a piece from the new stack and rumuged around the drawers to find a pen.
Once he had found a good red inked pen, he began writing;

"HeY , YoU bEEn liKE THiS FoR A lonG TiME. WHAT S Up WiTH YoU?"

It was very messy, as Red didn't have the greatest hand writing in the world, but he thought so and went with it, thinking it's just perfect. Not exactly put to make it like he was worried about him, just confused. Though, as said before, he was a little worried. Maybe very worried, but he wouldn't admit that.
Heading towards where Blues bedroom was, he sat on the ground criss-cross. Then slid the note under Blues door, sitting close to it hoping-- er.. waiting for a reply.
It took a second, but he could hear the faint creak of Blues bed, followed by almost silent footsteps. Under the door where the small crack was, he saw the note was gone. Blue must've picked it up then, at least that's the obvious guess.
He could hear quiet shuffling in the room, and after a few seconds, the note was slipped back under. Blue had wrote something on the note, thank god. He picked it up, and in blue pen there were words that said;

"Nothing, really. Just haven't been feeling well lately."

'Nothing'? 'Not feeling well'? Was he just sick with a cold? I mean, he doesn't seem sick. Not like Red would know, or would have ever noticed, but it just wasn't likely.
Flipping the note over, he wrote on the back;

"ARE YoU SiCK ?"

He quickly put the note back under, impatiently waiting for Blues reply. Almost immediantly after, the note was slid back to him. Reading;

"No, don't think so. I just feel.. terrible. In any way possible-- not sexually, fucktard."

Red snorted, and started laughing a bit. It was until Blue had knocked on the door loudly all the sudden that got him to stop, as it scared him back into 'seriousness', if you could call.. whatever this is, serious.
As he was writing, he felt some kind of joy from this. To be able to somewhat talk to his friend again, it was nice. He didn't like it, yet he continued on with it, 'cause it's not like he had anything better to do;


He put a little drawing of his face in the corner, winking. He didn't wanna sound like he cared about Blue, because he didn't. At all. He just wanted to figure out what was wrong, y'know?
A few minutes after he put the note back under, it was never slid back. He figured Blue either wanted to stop or just kept the note, though he mostly thought the first thing. He got up from the ground, and walked away, most likely heading out to do normal Red stuff.

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