2. yikes

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It's been a few weeks, and Blue was still doing this.. thing. The thing Red didn't like at all.
You guessed it, he was still in his room a lot. But it seemed to get better, they wrote a lot of notes to eachother, sending them though the crack under the door. Blue would also allow Red to come in sometimes and bring him things like actual food and cleaner water. Sink water is disgusting, you know.
It wasn't til about 3 days ago, Red remembered. When Blue did nothing. No notes, no coming in, no going out, no speaking, no noise of movement. He had thought Blue just slept that day, but it continued onto the next, then the next. Now, today. Red got up, got dressed, and did whatever morning routine he had, if he even does. When he passed by Blues room, he checked the small opening between his locked door and the cold floor. All the notes Red wrote between the 3 days were gone. Blue must've found 'em today. So, why didn't he reply? Why didn't he before? What was he doing? It was so confusing to Red, he decided to write one more note.

As he sat near Blues door, he questioned what he should put. Of course, he doesn't want to sound worried. Because he isn't. That's what he keeps saying, to himself, to others, even to Blue. He isn't worried, he doesn't care. He repeated it at all, especially to Blue. It wasn't to make him feel bad, it was to make some point Red thought there was. What point? Well, no one knows. Red just believes there is one, and of course has to make a big deal of it. Some thinking later, he finally put on the note;


Yeah, that'd work, right? Hopefully.
He slid it under, and waited. Only 5 minutes later to get bored, and leave. The note wasn't taken yet, so Blue might reply later. At least, that's what Red believed.

Opening the front door, he threw himself on the couch. Today was awfully boring, no one seemed to be out and no placed seemed to be open. He grabbed the remote, and switched on the TV, flipping through channels to keep himself entertained. About a half an hour later, he grew sleepy. Yawning, he got up and began walking to his room, stepping over garbage. He stopped at Blues door, just starring at it. Was he worried? No. Did he care? Absolutely not. He was just.. curious, if you could call it that. Red had looked down towards the floor, and noticed a note there. 'Finally!' mentally screamed in his head, he was.. excited? Anxious? Scared? Happy? He couldn't tell, nor did he give a shit. The note read in messy blue handwriting;

"Sorry, didn't have the energy or motivation."

There was more, but it was aggressively scribbled out by the same color pen at the writing, making it hard to read. Red looked at it for a while though, trying to decipher it. So far, he managed to read out, "don't" "life" and "either". What an odd combination of words. Then, he got out a gel pen he found the other day, and tried to 'connect the dots', or just figure out the clues and find the rest of the sentence.
Finally, after 2 hours of an odd snapping noise clicking a lot in Blues room, he figured out the scribbled mystery. In small, messy, scribbled out letters at the bottom of the letter, it had said;

"I don't really have the energy to keep going on in life, either. But it's fine."

That freaked out Red a bit, what does he mean? What was this implying? Whatever it was, Red didn't think it was okay. It made him feel kinda sick to his stomach. It wasn't worry, of course. Just dread.
He knocked on Blues door, whisper-yelling "Blue!" No answer. The clicking noise was back, though. It was going frantic, and louder. He could hear it more clearer now, but it was never something he heard often. Trying again, he knocked louder, saying in a normal tone of voice "Blue! Hey, man! What's this mean?"

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