Our 29th Way

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"Stay here"

It's not like i could move anywhere,smartass Jimin. He went somewhere and soon comeback running, fresh clothes in hand.

"Wear this"

"What! No, that's clothes for the drama, it's not mine to start with even" I'm currently freezing,but I'm sure my voice said otherwise.

He sigh and shoved the clothes to me,"I don't care,just go change. It'll increase your lifespan here,and don't even said otherwise. I'll be in the kitchen,when you're done just sit on the sofa."

I was about to argue,by his figure already made it's way to the kitchen,i assumed. I sigh and debated on my decision. Should I? Whose clothes is this even? The coldness started to chew on my skin so I sigh and changed into the clothes. At least it's warmer,and dry...

I made my way out,heading to the kitchen anyway although Jimin clearly ask me to sit on the sofa. I'm not listening to him,not in a thousand years. As I enter,what I assumed the kitchen,i could see Jimin struggling. Sighing,i slowly walk to him and took the frypan away. He seem startled,reaching his hand out to take the pan back,but I put my hand in front of him,as a stop sign.

"Let me."

"But you're still not well"

"My head hurts a little,but I'll be fine. Let's just finish this and parted away after"

I didn't heard him arguing,so I assume that he surrender. Slowly I take in the dry ingredients on the table,glancing to each of it. Flour,eggs,soysauce...things like that. I kind of glad that the next scene in the drama involved the kitchen and cooking, or we won't even survive the first 24 hours. Mainly because I'll make him my source of food first before he could even think to eat me.

I fixed a simply dinner for us,considering the view outside is getting darker, but the storm is still there. I could hear thumps of snow hitting the roof. Slowly,i put the hot bowl upon Jimin as we sit facing each other at the small table. Well,this is awkward. I never thought of eating dinner together with him, what less than staying under the same roof. Definitely a nightmare.

i saw him staring down,examining  his bowl and slowly stirred it. I sigh and shake my head, "Sorry, i really don't feel like cooking. Can you eat?"

suddenly i was worried if he can't eat what i cooked. He'll be starved for the night. I keep looking at him, and when he realised it, he started to stutter, "A...ah, it's not like that. I'm just...amazed that you can cook this. It's still so... grand to eat this now."

I look down to my bowl, feeling the hot steam rushing onto my cold face. What? What's wrong with Egg Drop Soup? It was the only thing that came to my mind just now. Is he looking down on me again?

"Sorry, are you gonna finish that?" Jimin suddenly said,pulling me out of my own world.

when i look at his bowl, my mouth slightly parted. It was empty, except from the excessive soup, but still... He ate that lot?

"A..ah, you can have half of mine" I push my bowl to him and he gladly take it as small smile appear at the corner of his lips. Is he that hungry? I was about to ask when the house phone ring.

Both of us stare to each other, for a moment, not sure what to do. If it wasn't for Jimin standing up from his seat first, maybe i'll still be on my chair. He picked it up and quickly pressed the answer button. Swiftly,he hand it to me,so i  nod,follow by pressing the speaker button

"Y/N AHHHHHH!" The first voice that came through is none other than Nayeon's, worrying about us. 


"Don't just 'hey' me! Do you know how worried sick i am? I thought you're in the storm freezing to death!"

I pull away the phone from my face, feeling slightly burdened from all the scoldings. Yeah yeah Nayeon, I was worried about you too.

"Y/n,is Jimin with you?" A new voice appeared,and i recognize him immediately.

"Yeah Mr director"

"Ah,thank goodness. You two really scared us you know? Nayeon wouldn't stop asking"

"So,now what?" Jimin suddenly speaked, and i bring the phone closer so he can speak through it.

"I'm afraid you two need to survive the following days. The food and generator in there supposed to stand 3 days if used properly, until then you two gotta figure out the rest.It'll be a while for the rescue team to get to you. And that's not after the storm stop completely."

"And how long is that?"

"Another 3 days at least..."

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