Dear precious rose

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Dear, precious rose
How are you?
Are you happy?
Are you smiling?
Is everything okay? Up there where you are

Precious rose
You're in a better place now, right?
You don't feel the pain anymore
You don't have to fight anymore
You're safe right?

Precious rose,
You've worked hard
You really have worked hard
You've made it far
I am proud

Precious rose,
I could only hope you are happier
I could only pray that you no longer feel pain
I could only wish that you are in a better place

Precious rose,
Be careful on your way up there
I'll remember you, don't worry
You're loved
Rest well, precious rose

Dedicated to every single angel up there who have fought their battles well

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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