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As soon as I got home I had when up stairs and put on my t-shirt and my flip flops. And then I had walked back down stairs to get me a slice of pizza out of the refrigerator and I had warm it up and ate it. My mom was about to come from work. So I just sat on the couch and watch frozen with my little sister Candince. I my little sister Candince really like singing let go on frozen. So I had song along with her because I as very bored.

Hey guys please don't think I'm a kid but this is base on a true story. Okay:-)

So as soon as my mom comes home with a guy and it looks like Bryant dad. Oh. My mom was kissing him. I think I know why my mom is going to Miami, Florida for the whole entire summer because shes wants to spend time with Bryant's dad and he might be my step dad. I don't know......well um.... my dad had died in a plane crash 13 years ago son it been a while. I really do miss him a lot. But I know my dad misses me to.

'' So mom what are u doing with Bryant's dad?'' I said and she kind of looked t me weird. And then she said,'' me and Mr. Williams are dating each other.'' Me and Candince my little sister look at my mom really weird. ''Mom really.... I wanted you to date Mr.Connor.'' I yell .... Mr.Connor is Grant dad . My mom use date Mr.Connor and he still have feeling for my mom. I mean a lok of feelings for her.

I ran to my room really fast and slammed my room door really hard. And I had heard the doorbell rang and my yell my mom had yell to my room. She had said,'' Jakes here."

I had grab some of my hello kitty pajamas and threw them on and ran door stairs.

I said,'' Jakes what are you doing here ?'' And Jake had open his mouth and then he said,'' I want to come over and hang with u?"

I reply,"Okay!" My had stood there and then she had explain that,''I'm going on a date with Mr. Williams." And she had grab my arm I said,'' Here's some money and a condoms. Just in case you know what happens. Okay!''

I had said,'' okay bye! Mom I love u." And I had close the door behind her.

I had went back to Jake and I said,'' do u want to watch a movie?''

''Okay yeah but... a romantic movie. Okay.''

I said,'' sure." I had found a movie and put in the digital DVD player.


After the movie was over Jake had pull me really close to him and we had sex but he put on the condom. And he stay over my house the next morning and plus it was my birthday today and I was 18 years old now and 5 more days I have to move out of here.

Beep Beep... Jake can turn off the alarm clock. Jake! I turn around and Jake made me breakfast and he left me a note it said:

Dear Carla,

I made you breakfast and I'm going to get coffee. And call me I have a surprise for u. Remember you told me you want a mustang.. well I got it in your favorite color. And I'm taking you to dinner later and talk about are teen life. Okay

Love,Jake xoxo I had walked downstairs and looked out the window and there is was a hot pink and with a big black down the center of the car and it was my own mpustang that jake bought me but I have a another mustang in the garage and a truck.

I said, ''aww so sweet!'' And I started eating I eat ... and really I eat like crazy and only 123 pounds.And I didn't gain shit t all. But I work out to keep my shape. I'm really tall. To I'm 6 feet 5 inches. So I had got after I HAD finished eating my breakfast.

I had got up and got in the shower and put on my skirt and a belly shirt with sandals and ran out the house and drove my step sister car to meet up with Jake. As soon as reach the place were Jake at I go inside of the restaurant and thug Jake and give a kiss on his cheek.

We had a nice dinner and we had play games in the restaurant. We had talk about are personal life and Jake had told me he wants to get marry to me and have 2 or 3 kids.

So I told Jake bye because I have to get to cheer leading camp. And that was an hour away from my house. So I had to get on the plane and got to Los,Vegas. Just in time and my on hotel and my gf at cheer leading was rooming with me. I'm so happy that are having summer cheerfest we compete on live t.v. and we sometimes come in 2nd place for dance off. And we always coming in 1st place for other stuff.

We had a party in the hotel room with my cheer leading gf and we had pop and watched a movie. I also went crazy with my friends: Sally, Karlie,Natalie, Monica, Hannah, Anna. These are all the girls I hang out with everyday. I'm going to miss cheer leading camp since it was my last day of school yesterday. And Jake hes a guy that is dating me, and by the way I'm going to college in Miami,Florida.

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